This is Jase's Favorite color.
What is Blue
This is the item that ,when eaten, is the most likely to give you poison.
What is a pufferfish
This is the character most referenced in all star wars memes. Also with their own famous tune.
Who is Darth Vader
This is the most common, smallest, nerf weapon.
What is the nerf jolt.
This is the most famous youtuber.
Who is PewDiePie
This is one of the two of Jase's favorite nerf weapons.
What is the Nerf Ultra Pharaoh
This is what you name an mob to turn them upside down.
What is dinnerbone
This person was a captain in the clone wars. Fighting along side of his commander. He co led the 501st battalion.
Who is Captain Rex
This was the first nerf series.
What is Nerf N-Strike
This youtuber regularly speedruns minecraft.
Who is Dream
This is the name of my favorite cat.
Who is Spade
He created Minecraft bro.
Who is Notch
This is the most wise jedi to ever live.
Who is Yoda
This is the series known for its hard hitting blasters and its oddly shaped ammo.
What is the Nerf Rival series.
This youtuber is known for his, very funny, FNAF videos.
Who is Markiplier
This is the name of my favorite youtuber.
Who is Captainsauce
This item can rarely be found in only nether fortresses and sand temples.
What are God Apples
He was the general of the droid army.
Who is General Grievous
This blaster was one that shaped the way for many other hand primed, revolver looking blasters.
What is the Nerf Maverick
This youtuber is known for his well known intro and happy wheels videos
Who is Jacksepticeye
This was the first and most favorite of Jase's games on his Xbox.
What is COD Black ops 3.
This is the only thing in minecraft that can hold anything, but cannot be named itself.
What is the character's hand/ inventory.
The first and only clone during the clone wars to figure out the plans of the sith.
Who is Lieutenant Fives
This was the first nerf weapon.
What is the Nerf bow and arrow (1991)
This is the CEO of youtube
Who is Susan Diane Wojcicki