what is cyber bullying
getting bullied online
should you show your face to strangers
no because they will know what you look like and they will have your personal info
what do you do when your getting cyber bullied
tell a trust worthy adult
why should you not cyber bully
because it can hurt someone
should you tell your parents that your getting cyber bullied
yes because they can help
Is cyber bullying like bullying
yes because cyber bullying is bullying just online bullying
what should you set your privacy's settings to online
maybe friends and family not strangers
how would you feel if you were getting cyber bullied
sad because it does not feel good to get cyber bullied
Should you or should you not cyber bully and why
No because it can make some on depressed and shy
what is cyber civics
be a good person online
How can you help people getting cyber bullied
tell them to tell an adult
Should you save the message and show to an adult and why
Yes because for proof and it’s better to have it just in case
How do you avoid getting cyber bullied
Make your settings private and for your friends and close family
what are some affects when you are cyber bullying some one
you will feel better about your self if you were feeling sad but you will make the person your cyber bullying sad
do you think the cyber bully's think there cool or funny cyber bullying
yes they probably think they are but there not
how do you think cyber bullies start cyber bullying
there home life is bad/Don't get treated good at home
should you post private stuff
no because they will have your personal info
If the cyber bully felt what you felt do you think they would stop
Probably because being cyber bullied feels bad
If you cyber bully should you stop your self
yes because if you don’t you can hurt someone’s felling and make them depressed
what country gets cyber bullied the most
Do you think the cyber bully feels good after cyber bullying and why
Yes because they usually fell bad for them selfs
should you meet up with someone that you met online and why
no because sometimes there not who they say they are
What are some affects when you are getting cyber bullied
It will make you shy and you can get depression
should you get revenge on the cyber bully that cyber bully's people
no because its not good to cyber bully anyway
how often do you think cyber bullying happens
not to much but sometimes