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Domain VIII

This is the first idea formed by a scientist when they identify a problem and have looked into it. It is always written containing an Independent and Dependent Variable.

What is a Hypothesis?


While the majority of organisms that we see have a multitude of cells, we tend to forget about the other types of organisms that consist of a singular cell. What is that smaller organism called?

What is Unicellular?


Anything that has mass and takes up space is said to be comprised of this.

What is Matter?


Your cells are produced using two different cycles. The cycle that I'm looking for creates your somatic cells.

What is Mitosis?


This is the system in plants that allows for the movement of food and water through a system of tubes.

What is the Vascular System?


A group of organisms and their environment that are self-sustaining.

What is an Ecosystem?


A representation of collected data usually placed on a table and shown using lines or bars.

What is a graph?


These organisms contain nuclear material not surrounded by a nuclear membrane and have no membrane-bound organelles.

What are Prokaryotes?


This type of bond is used to hold together oppositely charged neighboring polar molecules and is used in our body to hold together DNA.

What is Hydrogen Bond?


This the part of a cell cycle where a plant cell begins to form a new cell wall, due to its rigid shape.

What is cytokinesis?


The embryo of a plant has a hard outer shell and is represented by 3 generations. What is that called?

What is a seed?


An organism's role within its habitat. In other words, it's "job".

What is Niche?


Within an experiment, this is the written information collected by the scientist as things can be measured or calculated.

What is Quantitative Data?


This type of active transport causes your cell to move large particles out of the cell using energy.

What is Exocytosis?


According to the pH scale, anything that is above 7 is classified as this.

What is a base?


This is the biological term for two chromosomes that are similar in shape and function. 

What is Homologous?


The reproduction of bacterial cells involves duplicating chromosomes followed by the bacterial cell splitting into two cells. What is the process called?

What is Binary Fission?


Animals with backbones are called vertebrates, Animals without backbones are called _________.

What are invertebrates?


Organisms within an environment that are able to create their own food. What also call them producers?

What are Autotrophes?


When observing various factors that have happened, you put all the information together to form an explanation based on the facts collected not based on direct observation.

What is an Inference?


This type of passive transport moves water with the concentration back and forth maintaining its shape. This is caused by placing the cell in a solution that we call _____________.

What is Isotonic?


Our body uses macromolecules to maintain basic day-to-day functions. Name the 4 macromolecules that we need.

What are Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids?


This is the process of creating your gametes.

What is Meiosis?


This cycle is used by viruses to attach and inject nucleic acid into the cell so that the virus can replicate and causes the cell to burst.

What is the Lytic Cycle?


In order for animals to survive, we tend to see them change this type of pattern so that they can avoid predators. What is the thing that they change?

What is behavior?


This is an undesirable change to an environment often resulting from human activities.

What is pollution?


This branch of Biology takes your family's traits and looks at how they are passed from member to member. 

What is Genetics?


This organelle found in cells is used by plants to capture sunlight during photosynthesis. This organelle also contains chlorophyll, which gives plants their green pigment.

What is Chloroplast?


This molecule within your body is the main product of Cellular Respiration. This molecule provides energy for your body and can be reused by putting in energy and reattaching a Phosphorous.

What is ATP?


This idea from Charles Darwin is the process by which organisms that are best suited to their environment survive and pass their genetic traits on to their offspring.

What is Natural Selection?


Animals that live on land are considered to be this. The scientific term for living and reproducing on land.

What is Terrestrial?


The maximum population an area can support based on the ability to produce enough resources to support said population.

What is Carrying Capacity?


Within Taxonomy there are levels at which we classify the animals so that we can observe similar traits. There are 7 in total provide me with all of them.

What is Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species?


In order to be classified as a living organism, you have to have the following characteristics. Name the 4 main characteristics of a living organism.

What is made up of cells, responds to stimuli, grows and develops, and reproduces?


This biological process involves taking the information from DNA and converting it to mRNA.

What is Transcription?


During Meiosis this process within your main steps allows for more genetically diverse offspring. Provide the name of the step.

What is Crossing Over?


Different types of systems are present throughout our bodies to help maintain this function.

What is homeostasis?


This is classified as a series of community changes within an ecosystem, mostly caused by some kind of natural or man-made disaster.

What is Succession?