Before the Games
The Hunger Games
Names with another meaning

Our main protagonist who volunteers to take her sister's place in the 74th Hunger Games.  

Who is Katniss Everdeen? 

After noticing Katniss outside the bakery, Peeta purposely burns this item of food in order to give it to her. 

What is a loaf of bread. 


These tributes, typically from districts 1, 2 and 4, train at a special combat school before volunteering for the Hunger Games at age 18. 

Who are the careers/career tributes?


Effie Trinket's signature phrase. 

What is "May the odds be ever in your favour"?


This pet is described as "the world's ugliest cat" and takes it's name from the bright yellow flower. 

Who is Buttercup?


According to Katniss, this character is of medium height, stocky build and has ashy blond hair that falls in waves over their forehead. 

Who is Peeta Mellark?


This district has the task of mining coal and is often looked down upon by the other districts. 

What is district 12?


These genetically modified wasps inject a venom, which induces hallucinations and in the worst cases death. 

What are tracker jackers?


"Remember, we're madly in love, so it's alright to kiss me anytime you feel like it."

Who is Peeta?


This best friend and hunting partner has a name which is often attributed to strong winds and used as a descriptor in nautical contexts.

Who is Gale?


Katniss has a soft spot for this 12 year old female tribute from district 11 who reminds her of her sister. 

Who is Rue?


Forget Romeo and Juliet, Katniss and Peeta are the true definition of this phrase. 

Who are the "star crossed lovers"? 


This species of bird, which was created through the accidental mating of two other species, is used by Katniss and Rue to communicate with each other. 

What are mockingjays?


This character has some useful advice for the district 12 tributes: "Here's some advice. Stay alive,"

Who is Haymitch Abernathy?


This district 2 tribute is named after the aromatic flower bud native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, which is commonly used as a spice. 

Who is Clove?


This person is absolutely unrecognisable after being attacked by a swarm of tracker jackers.

Who is Glimmer?


When Katniss was 11 years old she lost her father in this unfortunate accident. 

What is a mine explosion?


After kissing Peeta in the cave Haymitch sends this gift as a reminder to Katniss to play up the romance. 

What is a pot of hot broth?


"You're not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?"

Who is Cinna?


This tribute's name is a verb that can be used interchangeably with the phrase "to bitterly regret". 

E.g. "You will BLANK this day!" (Nevel Papperman, iCarly).  

Who is Rue?


This "snivelling, cowardly fool" from District 7 proved that they were actually a vicious killer in one of the previous Hunger Games. 

Who is Johanna Mason?


The daughter of the mayor of district 12 who gave Katniss her iconic mockingjay pin. 

Who is Madge Undersee?


Peeta uses his decorative skills from the bakery to disguise himself as this inanimate object. 

What is a rock?


"When we find her, I kill her in my own way, and no one interferes."

Who is Cato. 


This former tribute turn cannibal shares a name with the Roman emperor BLANK Caesar Vespasianus. 

Who is Titus?