Chap. 1-2
Chap. 3-4
Chap. 5-8
Chap. 9-10
Chap. 11-13

He is in fifth grade and working becoming the fastest runner at school. He comes from a big family.

Who is… Jess


Formulate a theory as to why they were making fun of people at lunch.

What is…  Bullying because it makes the person feel superior to the one they are putting down.


Jess got a present for Leslie he estimated that she would like an animal.

What is… A dog


Jess’s mum does not want Leslie to go, she is afraid that it will make her look bad.

What is… Leslie looks great


Jess ate lots of these the morning after Leslie passed.

 what are… Pancakes


Jess has a goal. He works on the goal every morning. It helps that it is cooler in the morning so he isn't as taxing.

What is… Getting up early to practice distance running


Leslie was embarrassed because she was now the teacher's pet. And she did the best at her work.

What was... the homework assignment


Jess was worried about constructing a gift for Leslie but he got her an animal.

Who is… Prince Terrin


Jess and Leslie want to go to Terabithia but it is raining and Jess does not have boots.

What is… They went barefoot


Jess doesn't believe them.

Who are… Jesse's sisters, dad and mom.


Drawing whenever he gets the chance. Helps Jess calm himself and also slip away into an imaginary world.

What is… another one of Jess’s loves and possibly a secret talent.


The cause of the students laughing about something leslie shared with them.

Who is… Leslie the new girl in the neighborhood. She never had a T.V at home.


The room was dirty and it had broken wood

What is... the Golden room


They think someone put a curse on their kingdom.

What is… Rain is causing them to think that.


They went to Leslie's funeral; they were in Jess’s favorite room.

What is… The Golden room that they painted.


She is a music teacher and a close friend to Jess.

Who is… Miss. Edmund's


she bullies all the students and any one she sees, and does not care for anyone.

Who is… Janece Avery


He is very talented at fixing up broken parts

Who is… Mr. Burke


Miss Edmunds asks Jess if he wants to go to the city with her, and if he needs permission.

what is… he needs permission to go and he went.


When Leslie died evan she was kind to Jess.

Who is… Brenda


 Predict the outcome of the first day of 5th grade for Jess and the class

What is… Flucher not minding his own business which made Jess mad and he got in trouble for defending himself by stomping on his toe.


Her brain is still developing and she shares things that got her in trouble.

Who is… May Belle


They fight about what to wear.

who are… Ellie and Brenda


They told Jess that his girlfriend was dead

Who is… Leslie


The queen of terabithia is dead and there is no queen anymore.

 what is… Jess makes May Belle the new Queen of terabithia.