Context Clues
Summary/Main Idea

An Account of someone's life written by someone else.

What is a biography?


A single row of words in a poem.

What is a line?


Flamingo is to bird and German Shepherd is to _____.

What is Dog?


Retells the main events of a story in a shorter version

What is a summary?


Making an inference means you form an idea using your prior knowledge and information from ________.

What is the text/story?

A traditional story that teaches a useful lesson.

What is a fable?


A group of lines that forms a verse of a poem or song.

What is a stanza?



In order to not *impede* the construction effort and to help the job get done quicker the town closed the road and kept people away.

What is to slow down or get in the way of?


SWBST stands for..... 

What is someone, wanted, but, so, then?


Nina was in her room reading a book. Her mom called her to come downstairs and help. As Nina entered the kitchen, her mom handed her a pile of plates. Nina put them on the table and went to get the silverware and glasses.

You can infer that it is..

What is dinner time?


An unusual, fanciful, or unrealistic story

What is a Tall Tale?


To have the same or similar ending sounds.

What is rhyme?



I drank an entire glass of water because I was so *parched*.

What is thirsty?


When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic wildlife.
The Summary of this passage is:

What is there are many different, varied parts of Texas?


Terrence is camping alone. It is dry and windy out. He falls asleep in his sleeping bag near the blazing campfire. What is the best inference you could make?

What is the fire will spread?


A story that is made up, but could really happen.

What is Realistic Fiction?


A figure of speech in which two things are compared using like or as.

What is a simile?


When you are reading and come to an unknown word, what should you do first?

What is look for clues in the sentence?


A summary includes a central idea and _________  _________.

What are supporting details?


When Kyle came home from school, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside of a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down and arranged garbage over the soup can. What can you infer? 

What is Kyle made a bad grade?


Writing that is based on facts and real events.

What is nonfiction?


A description of an object that uses characteristics of a person.

What is personification?


A dog whistle makes a high-pitched sound that is only *audible* to dogs.

What is able to be heard?


Right now Jason was playing right field. He really wanted to play third base. Earlier this year, coach had put him in left field and second base in a game, but never at third base. Once in practice, coach let him play third base, but he kept missing ground balls. When he did stop one, he made a bad throw to first base. Maybe if he kept practicing, Jason would be good enough to play third base. That was his dream. 

The Summary of this passage is:

What is Jason really wanted to play third base?



_______ + ________ = Inference

What is background knowledge and clues from the text?