Tell he my vision is bad,
it's so bad that I cant see you but you can see me.
Who or what am I?
I am a hard worker in the house,
But I need guidance to get my job done.
Who or what am I?
Broom/ Mop
👸🏾 🏞️
Queens Park
Some take me in the morning,
Some take me in the evening,
But some don't like to take me at all.
Who or what am I?
A shower
I am usually white,
In your house, I can be found,
I have a bowl but don't hold cereal
and a tank that has no fish.
Who or what am I?
I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness.
The letter S
🐍 ⚽ 💤
Dragon Ball Z
🌊 🎢
Water Park
Im a source of information and a means of relaxation,
if you push the right button ill seith things up for you.
Who or what am I?
What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?
A map
🔫 ⛰️ 🚦 ⛽
Gun Hill Signal Station
I get filled up with water
but I'm no glass or jug
I am in your kitchen
At my bottom, there's a plug
I see you, you see me
You wave at me I wave back at you,
I can be anywhere you look,
just take a peak
A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?
His son
2️⃣ ⏹️ 1️⃣
Back to square one
The person who makes it has no need for it. The person who purchases it does not use it. The person who does use it does not know he or she is. What is it?
A coffin
I have keys but no locks,
Space but no room,
I allow you to enter, but you cant go in.
Who or what am I?
A man was walking in the rain. He was in the middle of nowhere. He had nothing and nowhere to hide. He came home all wet, but not a single hair on his head was wet. Why is that?
The man was bald
⬛ 🧱 🤕 🏥
Black Rock Psychiatric Hospital
Fourteen of the kids in the class are girls. Eight of the kids wear blue shirts. Two of the kids are neither girls or wear a blue shirt. If five of the kids are girls who wear blue shirts, how many kids are in the class?