Who said this:
We do not come to fear the future we came here to shape it.
Barrack Obama
What is the capital of Oregon
what is brown and sticky
A stick
Who said "Brahhh Brahhh"
Hercules Mulligan
Who said this:
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Abe Lincoln
what is Austin the capital of
David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
Who said "Hamilton talks to much"
Arron Burr
Who says What me worry
Alfred Numen
Daily Double what is the capital of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City
What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
Who said "I am lying in wait"
Arron burr
Who said Have more than you show have less than you know
William Shakespeare
What is the capital of Maine
I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
Who said "America you great unfinished symphony you sent for me"
Alexander Hamilton
who said we know who we are, but not know what we can be
William Shakespeare
What is the capital of Idaho
This is who can read the really fast the answer is: Yes
A man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he doesn't know the password, so he watches the bouncer to figure it out. A woman comes up and the bouncer says, "12." The woman replies, "6." The bouncer lets her in. Another woman comes up and the bouncer says, "6." The woman says "3" and the bouncer lets her in. The man feels he's heard enough and goes up to the door. The bouncer says "10," and the man replies, "5." The bouncer tells him to get lost. What should the man have said instead?
3- the letters in ten
Who said "Then I will"