Uit welke stad komen de Beatles?
Wat is de naam van de PED (preformance enhancing drug) die vaak word gebruikt in sport
Wat is de meest verkochte game ooit
In welke film hebben mensen een voorspelling van hun overlijden
Wat is mozart zijn volledige naam
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Noem 5 wintersporten
Langlaufen, schaatsen, skiën , snowboarden, Biatlon, bobsleën
Welke game speelde Simar nadat hij was overleden
Ark survival evolved
Wat is de meest verkochte console
Playstation 2
Hoeveel mensen heeft jason vermoord in de eerste friday the 13th film
Wie was de eerste president van de VS
George Washington
Hoeveel eredivisieclubs zijn er bij voetbal?
18 clubs
Waneer ben je faya gegaan
Als je anime kijkt
Wat is de andere naam van Counter-Strike
hoeveel star wat films zijn er
wat is de koudste temperatuur ooit gemeten
Noem 5 basketballers
Ik kijk wel
Reciteer wat number 15 inhield
Number 15, Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce with the statement: "this is the lettuce you eat at burger king" admittedly, he had shoes on, but that's even worse. The post went live at 11:38 pm on july 16th. And a mere 20 minutes later, the burger king in question was alerted to the rouge employee. At least, I hope he's rouge. How did it happen? well, the BK employee had it removed the exif data from the uploaded photo which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. Five minutes later the news station was contacted by another 4chaner and three minutes later at 11:58, a link was posted. BK's "tell us about us" online form, the foot photo, otherwise known as Exhibit A was attached. Cleveland scene magazine contacted the BK in question. The next day, when questioned, the breakfast shift manager said: "Oh I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.
In welke game kwam sonic als eerste voor
Red mobile
Wat is de laagst gerate film ooit
Disaster Movie
hoeveel soorten tawheed zijn er, en wat zijn de namen hiervan
1. Tawheed Ar-Roboebiyyah 2. Tawheed Al-Oeloehiyyah 3. Tawheed Al-Asmaa' Was-Sifaat
Op hoeveel meter staat het wereldrecord verspringen (je mag er 10cm naast zitten)
8,95 meter
Wat is de achternaam van obama
In welk jaar was de eerste vr headset gemaakt
Hoeveel pokemon films zijn er