Eating Disorders
Asking for help Name

What are the three common eating disorders 

1. Anorexia 

2. Bulimia 

3. Binge Eating Disorder 


Is Stress a normal part of life? 

Yes, stress is a normal part of life 

Stress is the body's reaction to demands events and changes 

There is some stress that is good 

When stress happens in small doses it can cause some excitement 


What is the definition of anxiety?

A feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, typically about imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome  


Does depression go away by itself?

Depression does not go away by itself if a person does not get treatment it can last a long time. It can be hard to ask for help. This is the first step to helping yourself get better 


What type of support could a person need 

physical support 

medical attention 

a friends shoulder to cry on 

Who is more at risk for an eating disorders 

Athletes are more at risk, two sports that expect athletes to look certain ways are gymnastics and wrestling

Anyone who says you should lose weight or gain muscle quickly might only be focused on winning and not realize the danger to a person's health


When your heart is pumping really fast in a certain situation and you start breathing very fast what is the response called? 

The body's stress response is called fight or flight 

Different people respond to stress differently

There are some people that get really anxious cranky and uptight 

There are other people that get really tired depressed or forgetful 

People that have too much stress for a long time it can start to affect your health 


Are all triggers to anxiety the same for everyone?

Triggers to anxiety differ from person to person

Some of the common sources of anxiety include 

stress of trauma 

major life events or changes

 family history of anxiety 


side effects from medication 


What are the different causes to depression? 

brain chemistry 

family history 



A doctor can also help a person find the cause to their depression 


How should a person ask for help? 

The person needs to be direct if they are asking for help 

What are three symptoms of bulimia?

1.making yourself throw up 

2. eating large amounts of food 

3. people may make themselves throw up by taking laxatives, fast or over-exercise 

4. can wreck the enamel on your teeth 

5. it can damage your esophagus and stomach 

6. Can Create heart issues 


Does having a healthy diet play an effect in a person's stress level? 

Yes eating healthy can help a person's stress level

A person that also gets enough rest can reduce stress 

Do something fun at least once a week 


What should a person do if they are feeling anxious?

Take a break from whatever might be causing them anxiety 

Practice positive self talk, the person has to tell themselves that there feelings are going to pass and that they can get through it 

A person should actively distract themselves 


What are three different professionals a person can talk to when they are getting help? 

a doctor 

a therapist

a counselor  


True or false a person can not check in with themselves? 

A person can check in with themselves. A person should ask themselves if they are trying to figure out wha tthey need and how they are going to ask for what they need. Are your needs being met as that person. What can be a different way that the person's needs can be met if they are not already begin met what can you do to change it so they can be met 


What can lead to an eating disorder?

Repeated diet 

extreme weight loss 

There are studies that show that 95 percent of people that go on a diet gain it back within five years 


Where can stress play a role? 

heart attacks 


lung disease 

liver disease 



How can a person express their feelings in a  positive  way? 

A person can write them put in a journal

talking with other people are realizing they are not alone and there might be other people that are going through the same thing 

join a support group and you might learn new ways to cope with it and you could also provide others help as well. 


What  are different ways a person can stay active? 

1. do things that you enjoy 

2. get some exercise 

3. talk and hang out with friends 



Name three people someone can go to to ask for help 

A friend

Family member




How can a person that is using food get help? 

1. By talking with a friend or family

2. Letting the person know that there are people that want to help them 

3. The quicker the person gets help the better chance they have at recovery. 

4. Recovery does take time effort and support


Name five different ways you can relieve stress 

1. Getting exercise 

2. spending sometime alone and doing some reading 

3. Spending time with friends to get your mind off of the stressful event 

4. Getting enough rest 

5. A person can set boundaries and learn to say no.


Can a person take medication for their anxiety?

Yes a person can take medication for their anxiety. A person might be on medication as well as be in talk therapy. 


What shouldn't a person do if they are in a crisis? 

Use alcohol 

or turn to self harm ask for help 


Do only certain people need help or can everyone use help? 

Everyone can use help, weh nthere are tough times people can all use someone to talk too