This sport involves having a good swing.
What is Baseball?
This glowing box can provide hours of enjoyment right from your couch.
What is television.
May seem like a chore, but enjoy the outdoors as you rake leaves, trim trees and do other kinds of this.
What is yard work.
Poker, spades and cribbage, all these types of games, are not as fun on your own.
What are card games.
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This is the number one played sport in Canada.
What is Hockey?
When the weather is glum, you can always organize all of these that you have snapped.
What are pictures.
You spent all week putting of the dusting and dishes, it's not the most fun but needs to be done.
What is cleaning the house.
Maybe you can sing, but without a few friends to play guitar and drums, you won't be able to form one of these.
What is a band.
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his is the most popular sport in the world.
What is soccer?
Nobody says you have to go to the store, you can always just do this online.
What is shopping.
A chore in the beginning, but the reward is the gleaming paint and shining wheels after you are done doing this.
What is washing the car.
Since you can't throw to yourself or tackle yourself, it's always best to have a few friends to play this.
What is football.
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This sport originally used to use a soccer ball, before what it uses now.
What is Basketball?
Time to catch up with an old friend, by giving them a ring on this.
What is the telephone.
Your food may be terrible the first few times you do this, but you have to eat and you can get better with practice.
What is cooking.
Either just toss the ball, or hit and run the bases. It all depends on how many friends you get together.
What is baseball.
20- 5
The scoring of this sport uses words like "deuce" and "love"
What is tennis?
Rain or shine, there are always books and movies here to keep you company for free
What is the library.
They would probably be happy to do it themselves, but most cities have laws requiring a human to hold the leash as you do this.
What is walk the dog.
Checkers, chess or bagammon, none of these are fun unless there's more than one.
What are boardgames.
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