All Y’all
Da Bears
“I AM heavy,
I’m your Brother”

Das ist mir Wurst

Literally : it’s a sausage to me

Its all the same to me 


What did Charles Barkley say

”I love New York City; I’ve got a ———

“I love New York City. I’ve got a gun”


Don’t ———— with Texas

Dont Mess with Texas

This phrase part of an anti-littering campaign that has turned into the unofficial slogan of Texas


What are Pub-subs? 

Famous chicken tender sub sandwich at Publix grocery store


What are chicagoens talking about when they say the “Jewels” and “LSD”? 

They are not referring to jewelry, but rather the local grocery store Jewel Osco.

LSD is not the drug, rather stands for Lake Shore Drive, highway that runs along Lake Michigan, with a beautiful view of the city. 


I grew up in Christchurch, New Zealand. i won first prize in the University Entrance Scholarship, I was on my way to be becoming an atomic scientist.

The Bible began to exercise its full power in my life. Though I went on to to take my masters degree in science, I devoted almost pioneer time to the ministry during my university days.

1939 I entered full-time service at the Australian Bethel. I experienced mob actions on 3 different speaking occasions.

Government ban started in Jan 1941. I spent 6 mo in prison over the draft issue. “Lifer“ said in prison .. Say, 308, I’m “in” because I killed a policeman and u are here because you refuse to kill. It’s kind of odd, isn’t it? “ He helped supply us w the Wt as he was the librarian.

After prison, carried on underground printing and organizing, even  traveling to every part of Australia.

During this time I married a Sydney lassie- Melba.

1947 call to Gilead.... and off to Japan as missionaries.

1952 sent to Tokyo as Branch servant

Who is Brother Lloyd Barry?


Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei

Literally: Everything has an end; only the sausage has two.

Everything must end


Finish this saying

” New York is the only city in the world where you can get run down on the sidewalk by a ——————————”



If someone implies we don’t know how to do something....
“This ain’t my first —————”

This ain’t my first rodeo 


Whats the difference between “ yeah, no”

and “ no, yeah”

“Yeah, no” means no 

“ no, yeah” means yes 


What are “Slider” and “Braht” ?

Braht are not a rude teenager, rather abbreviation for bratwurst.
Slider is a delicious burger from the popular fast food White Castle.


I was first contacted with Bible truth in 1917 when I found a handbill advertising a talk on the subject of hell. I went with my younger brother Ted. Returned home and told our mother “ Ma, there is no hell and I know it !” We were little boys 11 and 10 years old and living in Blue Island, suburb of Chicago when we started attending meetings.

Mother started to take an interest, but father was a Methodist preacher for 20 years and was traveling a lot. 1918 I was baptized.

Test of loyalty with WW l raging while some separated themselves from the Bible Students, calling themselves 


1922 at Cedar Point convention, we heard talk of JF Rutherford “Advertise, Advertise,advertise, the king  and his kingdom” ....first time going house to house

offering Bible literature for a contribution at that 

convention. I found it so difficult, didn’t share in it again until 1924.

While still a teenager I was elected an elder. After 1924 Colombus, Ohio convention, I applied for Bethel service. I did enter Bethel in March 1925.

I was so happy, I wrote home in Dixie “ In Bethel land, I’ll take my stand, to live and die in Bethel land”

 My first job at Bethel was in the composing room of the factory. Then I was transferred to work on the rotary press. I volunteer to play the violin in the orchestra 2x a week for the WBBR. Since a Cellist was needed, I bought a cello and began taking lessons. 10 of us were invited to play full time over the Society’s station on Staten Island  which lasted 2 and half years.

   When orchestra was disbanded, after playing 10 years, I began working at the factory again w book binders and presses. Then transferred to Service Department to care for some 1,250 special pioneers.

1950 Bro Knorr asked me to serve in Writing Department. After serving 38 years as a single person, I met Gretel Naggert and married.

   In 1974 I was invited to become a member of the Governing Body of JW. Initially it was overwhelming to accept. It was pointed out to me that a goodly number had been invited,  increasing 11 to 18 the membership.

Who was Brother Karl F Klein?


Abwarten und Tee trinken 

Literally: Wait and drink tea

Meaning: Wait and see


Can u translate these city phrases?

1. “ one bagel with schmear , please”

2. “ the subway was packed, I was schvitzing ....”

3. let’s stop at the bodega

1. lots of cream cheese 


3. a small grocery  store 


What are wangs?

what are winduhs?

What are skeeters?





What vegetable do Danes use when they describe 

“to go bananas”?  “At ga  Agurk “

“Go cucumbers”


What is said about Chicago but is not really true? In fact towns like Boston and San Francisco fit this description better. 

Chicago is known as the Windy City but actually not the breeziest town


I was born in Michigan in 1919. My father died at age 3, had been actively associated with IBS. Mother now left with 6 children and debts in Detroit. She had opposed IBS bitterly, but now was curious. She had a genuine love for God. She read her Bible every night by kerosene lamp and had us kneel and recite the Lords Prayer before bed back on a farm in Michigan.

There was no congregation or Bible study group nearby, so spiritual growth was dormant.

Due to depression in the 1930’s, necessary for me to go look for work in Detroit. I started work in an auto factory.

Years later, I was given an invitation to a public talk when I was in Long Beach, California... first meeting in a Kingdom Hall. I studied w a couple Olive and William Perkins, skilled teacher like a surgeon. I was encouraged to start pioneering in 1941. I received an assignment to serve as a special pioneer in San Pedro, California, and then Richmond, California.

WW ll in full swing, I applied for exemption as a minister conscientiously opposed to war. The Draft Board refused this status. I was arrested, tried and sentenced 3 years of hard labor. There I was met w other witnesses and had periodic vis of A.H. MacMillian.

I was released in 1946, with another assignment waiting: Hollywood, California. While attending “ Glad Nations” convention in Cleveland, Ohio, Bro Milton Henschel, secretary to Bro Knorr, the president stopped me and asked, “When are coming to Bethel”? I told him I was happy pioneering. “But we need you at Bethel“ I ran out of excuses. I loved California🏝 and dreaded the thought of living in New York🏢 😳. But I said to myself “ If Jehovah wants you in Brooklyn, then Brooklyn it is” So I began my Bethel service in August 1946.

I worked for years in the factory bindery, then Subscription Department, then writing scripts and broadcasting for WBBR. Then I started in the Writing Department for 20 years, along with speaking assignments and much more.

Then in November 1974 I was invited to serve as a member of the Governing Body. It has been a rich and rewarding life...somewhere along there I got married to a lovely gal from Hebburn, England. I truly enjoyed  meeting dedicated and devout men who loved Jehovah more than life itself and seeing the changes in technology! How priceless your Friendship, O God!

Daniel Sydlik


Jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische.

Literally: Now butter for the fish

Meaning:Get to the point!


Johnny Carson said

”Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab without arguing, a ———— ——————— has just taken place”

bank robbery 


When someone is boastful... 

we say “ He’s all hat and no ——————”



Hvor’n skaer’ den?

Literal: How is it cutting?

meaning: whats up? What are you doing?


What is the “ bean”?

It is the Cloud Gate, a mercury-inspired structural wonder of engineering from Anish Kapoor 


I was born in 1905 in England. I was babtized in 1921 in Winnipeg, Canada . Before I quite 18 years of age, my twin brother and me reported to Bethel.
it was a new project of printing Society books versus using commercial printers. After 25 years at Bethel, I was sent out as a traveling CO and then DO. In 1955 I attended the 26th class of Gilead. Following graduation, I married a fellow student Sydney Lee Brewer. We got married on our way to our assignment - Chicago. In 1977 I received a letter inviting me to serve as a member of the Governing Body, so I returned to Brooklyn Bethel. I passed away at 101 years of age in 2007. I look forward to rejoicing over “ Victory with the Lamb”

Who is Brother Carey Barber?


Wir Sind ja nicht aus Zucker

Literally: We’re not made of sugar 

Meaning: Don’t be a wimp


When and What landmark was this shipped as 350 pieces in 214 crates and took 4 months to assemble?

Statue of Liberty 


When someone is crazy, we may say 

“ The porch light’s on but —— ——— ————”

The porch light’s on, but no one‘s home


Lige ud ad landevejen 

Literal: “ straight down the country road”

meaning: simple, just as it seems, like spelling of Bob


Who said “ Let me tell you something. I’m from Chicago. I don’t break”

Barack Obama


I was born in 1904, babtized in 1928. I started pioneering in 1930. During the next few years , I was assigned to look after kingdom interests in Bulgaria, then Hungary and finally Yugoslavia all within 3 years or so. In 1936 I married Gertrude but that same year I was sent to Dachau and Mauthausen while she was imprisoned elsewhere. After 9 years we were reunited.

Started back in field as a traveling minister . In 1958 went to Gilead alone and on return,Gertrude and I started back to the traveling work in Germany. In 1977 we accepted invitation to Brooklyn Bethel. Also, in 1977 I was appointed to the Governing Body. I died in June, 1988.

Who is Brother Martin Poetzinger ?


Das ist nicht mein Bier

Literally: That is not my beer.

Meaning: I’m not interested.


New York is a place where they ————— too many pictures and not enough actors.



If it’s really hot, we may say 

“ Its hotter than a stolen  ——————”

It’s hotter than a stolen tamale 


Frisk som en havorn

Literal: fresh like an eagle 

meaning:when someone is fresh and energetic, like in the morning 


Who said “My first day in Chicago, September 4, 1983. I set foot in this city, and just walking down the street, it was like roots, like the motherland”? 

Oprah Winfrey 


I was born in Saginaw, Michigan. I learned the truth from my grandmother even though I was required to attend the Lutheran Sunday school by my parents. Bill Elrod and I planned to finish school in June 1932 and the begin as pioneering partners. On September 9, we received invitation to Bethel service. It took us 72 hours to get ready and then drove the 700 miles to Brooklyn in our Model T Ford. I started off in the factory, then moved to the Service Department. In 1935 new light on the “great multitude” , up till then, there was only 1 large English congregation and only 200 at Bethel. 1937 I was asked to serve at the London Bethel as Branch servant. I wore the placard 

Religion is a Snare and a Racket” with 1000 other brothers for 6 miles through the center of London.

Due to the war , in 1942 I was labeled  a persona non grata and ordered back to the U.S. I then was asked to help with setting up a missionary Bible school. In 1956 I married Charlotte Bowin, who was one of my students in the first class of Gilead in 1943. Although we had a son Judah Ben, I was able to continue on helping with Gilead school although living outside Bethel. While teaching KMS in my hometown in 1974, I was invited to become a member of the Governing Body and invited my wife and son to serve as members of the Brooklyn Bethel .

Who is  Brother Albert Schroeder ?


Was Hanschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr

Literally: What little Hans didn’t learn, adult Hans never will 

Meaning: You cant teach an old dog new tricks


Who said this?

” Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address”

From the movie You Got Mail by Nora Ephron

Bro Gibbert saying 

”If a man is from Texas, he’ll tell you. If he’s not

why —————————  him  by ——————”

Why Embarrass him by asking


What does “ Ingen ko pa isen” mean?

Literal: no cow on the ice 

Meaning: there are no problems 


What 3 movies took place in Chicago?

hint:  with:

        1. Sandra Bullock 

        2. Matthew Broderick 

        3. Julia Roberts 

While You Were Sleeping

Ferris Bueller’s  Day Off

My Best Friend’s Wedding 


I was born in Liberty, Indiana USA in a one-room log cabin. I was the 4th child of 6 children in our home. I enrolled in Golden Gloves, a boxing organization, before being drafted into the U.S. Army and sent to Germany. I was invited to the Congregation Book Study by two girls that were JWs while driving my red convertible through town. I promised those smiling girls I would attend . Within 9 months after that meeting I was babtized in March 1957. I started pioneering the next year. I also married one of those two girls, Gloria. She was a jewel then and even now she is still a jewel. She came from a family of 17, which 11 came into the truth.  In 1959 we applied to Bethel, but there was no need for couples. So we wrote Headquarters to see where we could serve... Pine Bluff, Arkansas... congregation of 14 publishers. We had to cope with segregation and racism. We worked jobs for 3$ a day cleaning, washing windows and yard work. We loved that territory , we had 15-20 Bible Studies. In 1965 we Were assigned to the traveling work for 33 years. In 1997 we were invited to Bethel .Then in 1999 I was appointed to be a member of the Governing Body.

Who is Brother Samuel Herd?