Not so SMART Goals

Yoga, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), and meditation are appropriate interventions for this age range.

What is All ages?


Deep breathing is a healthy coping strategy that uses this muscle

What is the diaphragm


This aspect of a SMART goal is missing in the following goal: 

Albert will show an increase in his knowledge of coping skills as evidenced by independently verbalizing 5 coping skills.

What is timely?


Under this frame, the use of expressive media seeks to free underlying emotions and conflicts to heal

What is the Psychodynamic frame


A mother is disappointed in her 13 year old son who was picked up for shoplifting. Instead of addressing her son, she spends the day wondering where she went wrong. She is using this maladaptive coping strategy.

What is self-blame?


"Managing physical and mental health needs, including coping strategies for illness, trauma history, or societal stigma" is a description under which area of occupation

What is health management


In 3 months, Carol will eat healthier 5 out of 7 days in a week.

This aspect of a SMART goal is missing.

What is specific?



Name 3 expressive media interventions


Creating new perspectives can be more positive, motivating, and help cope with uncertainty. The conscious process of trying to see a situation from different perspectives is known as this adaptive strategy.

What is (cognitive) reframing?


This is the body's primary stress hormone and is released in the "fight-or-flight" response as a response to stressors. Chronic increased levels of this hormone can lead to increase risk for many health problems.

What is cortisol?


Lisa uses exercise to cope with her stress levels from graduate school. Lisa can currently run 1 mile in 11 minutes. Lisa sets a goal for herself: 

By 2 weeks, I will decrease my mile time to 8 minutes.

Lisa is missing this part of a SMART goal.

What is achievable?


This therapy, which shares a name with the frame it is under, has been shown to be an effective approach for stress and coping.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


Exaggerating things way out of proportion to what is reasonable or assuming things are much less important than they are, are examples of these thought distortions. 

What are magnifying or minimizing?


Interactions of endocrine hormones that have evolved to stabilize the body's internal environment can be disrupted by stress. The body's tendency to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment is known as this.

What is homeostasis?


Paul is currently struggling with anger management and experiences outbursts daily. 

Goal: After 6 weeks, Paul will utilize learned coping skills to have 0 outbursts per week.

Paul is missing this component of a SMART goal.

What is realistic (reasonable/relevant)? 


Debbie is experiencing burnout from lack of sleep and nonstop studying and no longer has motivation to keep working towards her goal of being an OT. This frame could be used to address the motivational aspect of Debbie's intervention.

What is the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)?


Abusing substances, such as alcohol and drugs, as a means to distract from stressors is using this maladaptive style of coping.

What is avoidant style?


These 3 components make up the HPA axis, which is one of the two major systems that respond to stress, along with autonomic nervous system

What are the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal gland?

In 6 months, Nancy will cope better with stress during her exams.

This aspect of a SMART goal is missing.

What is measurable?


Psychoeducation groups can include topics such as relaxation skills, stress management, and self regulation. Psychoeducation falls under this frame.

What is Cognitive behavioral?