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This coping strategy is when you close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place  where you feel calm, comfortable, and happy. It may be a beach, a forest, your bedroom, or somewhere else. What is this strategy called? 

My Happy Place or sad place

My Happy Place


When you want to find out more information during a conversation you do this

What is ask a question


Name three places you could go to meet friends if you like sports.



Your friend has horses, likes camping, and is a swimmer on the Oneonta swim team. What question could you ask your friend to start a conversation?



What are 2 ways you calm down?



What should you watch when talking to others about important topics

What is facial expressions


Name three places you can go to meet people if you like nature.



You meet someone new at a friends birthday party. He is wearing a batman shirt, his hat says Yankees, and you heard him say something about the new movie "Wonder" to another kid at the party. What can you ask him to start a conversation?



This coping skills can be used anytime and anywhere and really only requires your lungs, mouth, nose, and of course attention!

holding your breath or deep breaths

deep breaths 


What would be an example of poor conversation skill?

Rolling Eyes, Facing Away, Laughing


Name three places that you could go to meet friends if you enjoy art.



You meet someone at a coffee shop. You see that she is drinking a new drink that you want to try. What could you ask her to start a conversation?



This skill is anything a person does to keep themselves calm or calm down after a stressful event?

coping skils


Saying please and thank you are examples of manners

true or false



Name three places you could go to meet friends if you like books and reading.



You are at a new restaurant. You aren't sure where the bathroom is, but you need to go. Who and what should you ask?



You should follow this conversation rule to show that you are interested in the topic that someone is talking about. 

Stay on topic or change conversation

stay on topic


 is it called being polite when you do kind gestures like hold the door for another person 

true or false



Name three places you could go to meet friends if you like cooking.



here is a new student in your class. You don't know anything about him or her. What could you say to start a conversation?
