Coping skills
Your Goals

This is when you become tense, heated in the face, want to lash out, and may even cry.

What is anger


Writing down your feelings, reflecting on your day, and writing down your goals or things you need to remember.

What is journaling


You will need to take a course and then past a test and then get a learner's permit to accomplish this goal.

Getting a driver's license


You feel care free, will be smiling, have energy, and get along with others easily.

What is happy


This is something you might do if you want to get something off of your chest or express yourself.

Talking to someone


You will need to put in applications to achieve this goal.

What is find a job/college


You feel hopeless, lack motivation, have negative thoughts, and might even wish you didn't exist.

What is depression


Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings can ______ to take your mind off the negative thoughts and feelings

What is distract yourself


By talking to peers, putting yourself in social situations, and being yourself you will find ____

What are friends


Your throat might be tight, you might start to sweat, have racing thoughts, worry, shake your leg, or fidget with your hands.

What is anxiety


Before you become upset or after you become upset you can meditate or similarly use ________ to help calm yourself down.

What is breathing techniques


By talking to someone when you are having negative thoughts, doing your homework, doing your chores, and not lying you will get your ______ and _______ back.

What is your computer and phone


You find yourself wishing that you could have something that someone else has. You might wish something bad happens to someone because they can do something you can't.

What is jealousy


If you become angry and you are thinking of acting out on your anger you can _________ from the situation.

Walk away


This is one of your favorite things that you practice a lot and do at school. Something you want to become very good at .
