About the Author
It's a Tragedy
Greek Theater
Antigone and her Family
Oedipus Rex (Karmann-Style)

This is the number of Sophocles' plays that exist today, out of a total of more than 100. 

What is seven?


Tragedy is a difficult and rewarding form of ___ that was made into an art by the Greeks.

What is drama?

The significance of the city of Athens to Greek tragedies. 

What is they were produced there as part of a religious festival?


Preceding Oedipus, the king and queen of Thebes.

Who are the parents of Oedipus?


The city in which the majority of the Three Theban plays take place.

What is Thebes?


Sophocles was one of the ____ (number) great tragic playwrights, and he wrote during the golden age of ancient Greece.

What is three and golden?


The main character is a tragic hero who is capable of this.

What is great suffering?


This is what the Chorus did.

What is a Chorus Ode? 


 What is they chanted or sung a part of the play in unison?


This is the prophecy given to the king and queen of Thebes.

What is "Your son will kill his father and marry his own mother"?

When Oedipus answered the Sphinx's riddle correctly, what did she do?

What is she killed herself?

(Note: thereby, Oedipus wins the freedom of the Thebans, as well as the kingdom of that city, and a wife, Jocasta)


This is the number that you get when you subtract Sophocles' age at the time of his death minus his age when he won his first drama competition.

What is 62? 


The drama does not leave the audience in a depression, but rather with this.

What is a deeper understanding of life?


Actors in a Greek tragedy wore platform shoes and _____.

What is masks with built-in megaphones?


Both mother and wife of Oedipus.

Who is Jocasta?


The number of children that Oedipus and Jocasta had together.

What is 4?


This is the number of actors Sophocles cast in Antigone.

What is three?


This brings a hero to disaster in a Greek tragedy.

What is hamartia (a single flaw in a character)?


This is the reason actors movements were bold and definite, even in an amphitheater that held an audience of up to 40,000 people. 

What is the platform was slightly raised?


The Oedipus Cycle contains Oedipus Rex, _____, and Antigone

What is Oedipus at Colonus?


As told by an oracle, this is the way for Oedipus to solve his kingdom's natural disaster problem?

What is finding the murderer of the former king?


Sophocles, through various capacities, served this city.

What is Colonus?


The release of this purification first involves tense emotion, with a horrible truth.

What is catharsis?


This is the Greek word for actor.

What is hypokrites?


The person who issues this decree, which begins the action of the play: "bury Eteocles but not Polyneices".

Who is King Creon?

The two things Oedipus did to himself after knowing he killed his father and married his mother. 

What is blinded and then exiled himself?