think it or say it
conflict resolution
good choice or bad choice

your teacher is teaching and you see something really cool outside and you really want to show your friends do you say "everyone look how cool it is outside!!" or do you think it

think  it


you and your classmate want to play with the same toy should you grab the toy out of their hand and use inappropriate language or ask to share

ask to share!


true or false: you can control other people


laughing at someone when they are sad

bad choice


Tim and Larry are playing on the playground when Larry sees a huge puddle Tim is about to step in and wants to say "Hey! watch out" should he think it or say it?

say it


your classmate keeps coming into your area and it distracts you

should you: kindly ask them to give you space or yell at them

kindly ask them to give you space


true or false: you can control your words 

true! it may be hard at times so take deep breaths!


Your teacher is talking to your classmates but you have a funny story to tell so you interrupt. Is that a good choice or bad choice

bad choice


your classmate is reading a story out loud and you notice they mispronounce a word and you want to say "hey! you said that wrong try again!!" do you think it or say it

think it


you really want to show your friend something during class and the teacher says you can show them later.

do you go and show your friend anyways or do you wait until your teacher says it is okay

wait until you have permission 


true or false: you can control how other people feel



Your friend takes a toy that you were playing with so you decide to hit them. Is that a good choice or bad choice?

bad choice!


you notice your friend is wearing the same clothes from yesterday and you want to say "hey! didn't you wear that yesterday?" do you say it or think it

think it


you are at the store and you notice another kid staring at you do you yell "stop staring at me!" or do you ignore it

try to ignore it! it may be hard but remember we cannot control other people!


true or false: you can control your thoughts and feelings



you are playing soccer with your friends and someone else asks to play with you all and you say "no! you are annoying, do not play with us" Is that a good choice or bad choice 

bad choice! 


your classmate got a haircut and you hate it and you want to say "I liked your  hair the other way!" do you think it or say it

think it 

peoples appearance is out of our control


your friend is calling you mean names do you call them mean names back or do you walk away and go find something else to play with 

walk away and go find something else to play with! you can even tell a teacher!

you and your friend are playing at recess and they keep hanging upside down from the monkey bars which is not allowed. Can you control their behavior? should you then hang upside down too?

no, you can remind them that it is against the rules but if they continue, you cannot control them and make them stop and you should not join them. 


you do not like your classmate so you call them names. Is this a good choice or a bad choice
