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What does verbal mean?

subtle messages and non-verbal communication, such as: body language, gestures, and other non-verbal communication methods.


What does non-verbal mean?

What is said is influenced by both verbal language and the way we use it, our tone of voice, volume of speech, and the words we choose.


Why are Social Skills Important?

Developing social skills is about being aware of how we communicate with others. It is the message we send, and how different methods of communication can be improved to make the way we communicate more efficient and effective.


What are Social Skills?

Social skills are the techniques that we use to communicate and interact with others. These skills include both verbal and non-verbal communication, such as words, gestures, body language, and our personal appearance.


What are 3 Advantages of Having Well Developed Social Skills

1. More and Better Relationships

2. Better Communication

3. Friendship Flexibility

4. Advancing Your Career

5. Increasing Overall Happiness