Parts of speech
Spot the error

Which parts of speech are in this sentence? 

Children rarely complete homework.

Children, homework = nouns

Rarely = adverb

Complete = verb


What is the past tense of listen? For bonus points, how would you write the past tense of regular verbs?

Listened. For regular verbs, simply add an -ed to the end of the verb to get the past tense. 

dream --> dreamed

watch --> watched

Exceptions exist, of course.


What is a subject and an object?

Subject is the doer of the action.

Object is the receiver / ie not doing the action.


"im sad". Correct this.

I'm sad.

There are three errors. First, the lack of capitalisation. Second, there should be an apostrophe, third, there is no full stop.


Which punctuation(s) is used at the end of a sentence?

Full stops. You could say that question marks (?) are as well, but not as common. Exclamation marks (!) also end sentences.


Name the indefinite/definite articles 

a, an, the


What would be the verb if this sentence was passive voice? Bonus for changing the sentence: "J.K. Rowling wrote the book Harry Potter."

"The book was written by J.K. Rowling."

Active voice refers to the agent (noun who is acting) being the subject of the sentence. In the previous sentence, J.K. Rowling is the subject. 

Passive voice refers to the receiver of the action being the subject of the sentence. Here, the books are the subject.


What are the subject pronouns? Name them.

I, you, she, he, it, we, they


"I'm thirsty I want to drink water". Correct this.

Run on sentence. Semicolon, conjunctions, and splitting the sentence would correct this.


What is the difference between "your" and "you're"?

One is a possessive; the other is a contraction.


What do nouns and verbs refer to in a sentence? In other words, define both these nouns.

Nouns refer to a name. This can be a person, place, or thing. Often refered to with the articles (the, an, a), unless they are uncountable, generic (I stepped into mud; I don't like rain), or proper nouns. 

Verbs refer to an action. I went somewhere, this is something that has been done. 


The verb does not agree with the noun in the sentence written below. How can we fix this? "The flowers is pretty."

The flowers are pretty. 

The verb "is" is used for singular nouns, but the flowers are plural. So, the correct verb would be "are".

When the noun is singular, the verb referring to their action is also singular. When the noun is plural, the verb is also plural.


What are concrete and abstract nouns?

Concrete nouns refer to a tangible object, such as a tree, or car. 

Abstract nouns refer to an idea, such as justice, or mercy.


"The fireworks in the night"

There is no verb (predicate) in this sentence. 


In a sentence, there may be verbs, objects, and subjects. What is the most common syntax?

Subject, verb, object.


How many parts of speech are there? Name them for double points.

8: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections, and prepositions. 

Half points if you answered 9, if you count determiners as parts of speech if asked. 


In the sentence, "He goes to school", what is the infinitive of the verb?

To go. This form is conjugated for different subjects, such as I go, you go, he/she/it goes. 


What are the three subtypes of nouns?

Common, proper, and pronouns.


"I could care less". Correct it.

I couldn't care less. ​​​​

What is the present gerund of fly?

Flying. From an infinitive verb, "to fly", omit the "to", and add ing to the word "fly". Then you would get the gerund, which can be used in a context such as "She is flying".


What is an interjection? 

A word that expresses emotion, so ouch, and bye would be examples of these.


What are transitive and intransitive verbs?

Transitive verbs refer to the verbs with a clear (direct) object. So, this would be: 

"She read the book." The object in this sentence is the book, which is being read. 



In the sentence "There was a lot of rain, and so I stepped in mud, and now I have to buy new shoes", name the uncountable noun(s).

Rain, mud. Both of these cannot be expressed in plural form. 


"Me and my friends enjoyed the movie". 

"My friends and I enjoyed the movie."


What are the four types of sentences?

Declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory.