How many total siblings do I have?
What sport did I play in school?
None 😬
Jai’s bday?
Fav color
What language class did I take in school?
What is my zodiac sign?
Most outdoor activity I did?
Birth weight?
8lb 2.2oz
What is the most important family value to me?
Quality time/making memories
What was my favorite breakfast OR side?
Chicken patti / tater tots
Where/what job did I meet Jonathan?
Airport/ Working as a food truck cashier
Most interesting Olympic challenge(s) I look forward to?
Name a movie or show Jai watched more than 5x?
Turbo, word party, bo on the go, boss baby
One of my favorite movies?
How many elementary schools have I been in?
5 (Waialua, Waianae, Iraquoise, Forest lake, Kauluwela)
What is the make & model of my first car?
Mazda Tribute
Fav Olympic athlete?
Michael Phelps
What abnormality was Jai born with?
Club foot
He’s beautiful, City hunter, crash landing
What was my major in high school?
Marine science
What tree did I fall out of & my dress got stuck to the branch?
Plumeria tree
Least interesting sport to me?
Jais fav fruit?
Who is my favorite Kdrama actor?
Lee Min Ho
What grade was I when I first skipped school?
3rd grade