Robots on the Reef
Something Fishy
Strategies 1
Strategies 2
Strategies 3

What is one reason scientists are excited about the idea of using Coralbots to restore reefs?

F. Coralbots will imitate insects and birds. 

G. Programming Coralbots takes less time than training a diver. 

H. Coralbots are unlikely to cause more damage to a reef. 

J. Coralbots will be able to repair reefs more effectively than divers can.  

J. Coralbots will be able to repair reefs more effectively than divers can.


What is the author’s primary purpose for writing this selection? 

F. To highlight the importance of the fishing industry in cities along the Yangtze River 

G. To describe how Three Gorges Dam uses the flow of the Yangtze River to create energy for people in China 

H. To provide information about the different species of fish that populate the Yangtze River 

J. To explain how scientists monitor the impact of Three Gorges Dam and determine strategies for reversing its effects

J. To explain how scientists monitor the impact of Three Gorges Dam and determine strategies for reversing its effects


In a fiction passage, what strategy do you need to use to understand it better? 

CPR (Character, Problem, Resolution)

What does CPR stand for?

Character, Problem, Resolution


Persuade, Inform, Explain are also examples of:

A. Author's Purpose

B. Sequence

C. Figurative Language

A. Author's Purpose


Noel Sharkey’s comment in paragraph 5 helps the reader understand how Coralbots would — 

A. work in groups to perform a task

B. be preprogrammed to follow a set of rules 

C. give researchers a new way to collect data about coral reefs 

D. be used to perform difficult tasks on land as well as in the water

A. work in groups to perform a task


Which sentence from the selection best supports the idea that careful adjustments to Three Gorges Dam can improve the quality of the Yangtze River? 

A. Ickes helped researchers embed transmitters into a small sample of fish in the Yangtze River basin. 

B. They hope to determine the right amount of water to release from the dam in order to support the natural breeding of the fish. 

C. The dam is located on the Yangtze River, one of the most important rivers in China, famed for its diverse wildlife. 

D. Other fish are important for maintaining the fishing industry, a major part of the economy for cities on the river.

 B. They hope to determine the right amount of water to release from the dam in order to support the natural breeding of the fish.

Are fiction passages real or not real?
Not real

A good summary must include...

B,M,E (beginning, middle, end)

What does PIE stand for?

Persuade, Inform, Explain


The author organizes this selection mainly by — 

F. discussing the activities that cause damage to coral reefs 

G. explaining how damage to coral reefs has become more severe over time 

H. describing how Coralbots could solve some problems associated with restoring coral reefs

J. comparing the methods that divers use to repair coral reefs to the methods used by Coralbots

H. describing how Coralbots could solve some problems associated with restoring coral reefs


The Latin word ob, meaning “in the way,” helps the reader understand that the word obstructs in paragraph 2 means — 

F. reverses 

G. defeats 

H. lengthens 

J. hinders

J. hinders


Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution is called the ________ of the story. 

A. Conflict

B. Plot

C. Solution

B. Plot


Are non-fiction passages real or not real?



Relating to something you have read is also called...

A. Making inferences

B. Making predictions

C. Making connections

C. Making connections


Which sentence from the selection best explains why the health of coral reefs is of great concern to scientists? 

A. Coral reefs are home to one-fourth of all marine life on the planet and serve as a natural barrier against damage caused by storms, hurricanes, and typhoons.

B. These reefs can be damaged by natural disasters such as hurricanes, or they can be affected by human-related activities such as large ships running their hulls along a reef or fishing equipment scraping the sea floor. 

C. Scientists at CMBB hope to program Coralbots to locate colonies of endangered coral and reconstruct them. 

D. Scientists and volunteer divers work to reassemble damaged coral, but their success has been minimal.

A. Coral reefs are home to one-fourth of all marine life on the planet and serve as a natural barrier against damage caused by storms, hurricanes, and typhoons.


By using transmitters to track the fish in the Yangtze River, researchers most likely will be able to — 

A. monitor the number of fish living in the river basin 

B. estimate how many fish are needed to sustain the population 

C. determine how changes to the river disrupt the life cycle of the fish 

D. learn which types of fish are preferred by the fishing industry in the surrounding cities

 C. determine how changes to the river disrupt the life cycle of the fish


Figurative Language in passages help us _________ the reading. 

A. read 

B. predict

C. visualize

C. Visualize


When a passage is organized in order and uses words such as first, next, last it is called...

A. Cause and Effect

B. Compare/Contrast

C. Sequence

C. Sequence


Taking what you already know and the clues in the reading to draw a conclusion is called an ...

A. Inference

B. Prediction

C. Connection

A. Inference


What is a reason to repair corral reefs?

A. They are an excellent food source

B. They provide habitat for marine animals.

B. They provide habitat for marine animals.


Who is the American research ecologist who has worked with the Great Rivers Partnership to help scientists in China develop ways to monitor the fish population in the Yangtze River?

Brian Ickes


Sequence, Compare and Contrast, Descriptive, Problem and Solution, and Cause and effect are examples of 

A. Organizational patterns

B. Types of writing

C. Author's purpose

A. Organizational Patterns

Simile, metaphors, onomatopoeia, alliteration, hyperbole are examples of: 

A. Figurative language

B. Organizational Patterns

C. Reading Strategies

A. Figurative language


Author's purpose is 

A.  The way the author writes

B.  The reason why the author writes

C. The font the author uses

B.  The reason why the author writes