Marriage and Kinship
Famous Anthropologists
Stuff we might have forgotten
People and Cultures
Anthropology of Religion

This is the type of marriage where one woman marries multiple brothers.

What is Fraternal Polyandry?


This anthropologist worked in the Trobriand Islands, where he developed Participant-Observation and constructed a functionalist theory of Magic.

What was Malinowski?


This invalid social theory, attributed to Herbert Spencer, is often confused with Darwinian models of evolution based on Natural Selection.

What is "Survival of the Fittest" (i.e. Social Darwinism).


This type of social organization, historically displayed by the Ju/'hoansi of the Kalahari desert, is characterized small, nomadic groups of people living in egalitarian relationships built upon norms of generalized reciprocity.

What is Band organization? (Simple and Complex)


This concept refers to a belief that the world is animated by spirits that interact with humans.

What is Animism?


This the type of ritual, like a marriage, accompanies movement through the life cycle and is found in every culture.

What is a Rite of Passage?


This theorist, considered the father of Symbolic Anthropology, saw cultural as a cognitive map consisting of symbols and their meanings. He suggested the anthropologist's job is to provide "Thick Description".

Who was Clifford Geertz?


These are the three "non-communicative" functions of language?

What are: Classification, Social Bonding, and Creating/Reflecting Social Realities


This horticultural group of people in the Brazilian and Venezuelan rainforests are known for their shamanic warfare between villages.

Who are the Yanomami?


This term refers to a full-time (paid) specialist in a stratified religious organization.

What is a "priest"?


This is at the term for a lineage that is traced through the mother's line.

What is Matrilineal kin?


I am the anthropologist who, along with my student Benjamin Whorf, suggested that language has a powerful influence on the thought patterns of a culture.

Who was Edward Sapir?


This perspective focuses on how the people perceive their own experiences and culture (as opposed to the perception of outsiders).

What is "Emic"?


This group of people, living in China, have been identified as one of the closest things to "Matriarchy" in the modern world, evidenced by the "walking marriage" ritual.

Who are the Mosuo?


This person is a part-time specialist who serves as a mediator between animistic forces and humans.

Who is a shaman?


This term refers to a household comprised of at least three generations of related individuals.

What is Extended Family?


I am not an anthropologist, but my theory of consumer religion draws heavily upon anthropological theories of religion.

Who is Del DeChant?


We are the three types of reciprocity (exchange without money).

What are generalized, balance, and negative reciprocity?


This pastoralist society in Tanzania measure wealth and status by the number of animals individuals own.

Who are the Maasai? 


According to Malinowski, religious rituals, like magic, are correlated with this.

What is stress?


This cultural rule emphasizes marriage outside the primary social group.

What is "Exogamy"?


I am the anthropologist who identified four levels of socio-cultural integration (social organization): Band, Tribe, Chiefdom, State.

Who is Elman Service?

As defined by Tyler, I am the complex whole of art, law, morals, beliefs, and customs acquired by people as members of society.

What is "Culture"?


This group, living in Tanzania, are hunters and gatherers that are also embedded in the global economy.

Who are the Hadza?


This is the term anthropologists use to describe ritual acts that are intended to bring supernatural forces under one’s personal control. 

What is "Magic"?