Where the head and the Windpipe meet at the base of the Jaw?
What is the Throatlatch?
What is located in the forelimb and is the joint between the knee and the shoulder?
What is the Elbow?
The what is from the lumbosacral joint to the tail?
What is the Croup?
What is from the bottom end of the neck to the tops of the front legs?
What is the chest?
A joint only in the front legs of a horse.
What is a Knee?
The middle of a horse where the ribcage
What is the barrel?
A complex hinge joint in the upper hind limb of the horse, and the largest joint in the horse's body. Its role is to provide unfettered flexion and extension of the hind limb
What is the Stifle?
What is also known as the 3rd metacarpal?
What is the Cannon?
What is the evolutionary equivalent to the human ankle?
What is the hock?
What is the part of the hind leg of a quadruped between the stifle and the hock?
What is the Gaskin?
What do you call the ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal?
What is the withers?
The upper, almost circular limit of the hoof capsule is the?
What is the coronet?