This anime features a great soundtrack, shipping moments, and magical mech girls
what is symphogear
First you draw a circle
what is kirby
this sport runs on point increments of 6,3,2,and 1
What is football
blubblebeepbop started as this type of server
what is an among us server
my favourite colour
what is black
Based on a videogame, this anime is known for a horrible dub and funny abridged series that got canceled
what is danganronpa the animation
This game was made for everyone to enjoy, it features a selection of characters from an increasing number of games designed to fight each other
what is super smash bros
canada supposedly loves this sport
what is hockey
this many people have been kicked from blubblebeepbop
what is 2
my favorite anime
what is Weathering with you
with themes paralleling rasism, this anime became an instant hit with its vibrant art style and very chill music
what is BNA
a hit game when it was first released in 2014. experts like to find every clue in the game in order to piece together the lore
What is FNAF
this sport that has recently got an anime features a simple concept with a ball, 2 nets, and an open field
What is soccer
the number of gambling channels in blubblebeepbop
what is 8
I am This type of dere
What is a deredere
This anime is one of the only animes made in america. with a colour scheme centered through red, yellow, black, and white
what is RWBY
This game developer is known for their fantastic music and quirky rpgs
Who is Toby Fox
This sport has interesting strategies with 6 on 6 action with a very unique ruleset
what is volleyball
The first person to join blubblebeepbop
who is noko
my favourite yugioh card
what is the Blue eyes white dragon
This anime features quotable lines, and great images used in a few memes. its targeted towards a younger audience and has 7 series at the current date
what is yugioh
After quarantine started, this game took twitch by storm with its high level of thinking and no random chance
what is chess
The only sport where toronto isnt a laughing stock
what is Basketball
the month and year was blubblebeepbop created
when is august 2020
My favourite element (water, fire, rock, nature, air, ice, dark, light, lightning, divine)
what is Ice