Life Skills

While walking down the hall, sa girl from her math class said "hi" to Maria. Maria should_____.

Respond by saying "hi" back or waving.


A document indicating that a person does not need to fulfill a particular requirement 

(In testing, a "test waiver" means you have met certain requirements and do not need to pass FSA to graduate)


"Wanda went to the store yesterday after school to buy some milk. This morning, she drank the milk and then walked to school".

When did she buy the milk?

Yesterday after school 


"I'm drowning in a sea of grief"

I am extremely sad


What is "rent"?

Rent is a specific amount of money that you need to pay every month to live somewhere. If you pay rent, you do not own the place you live in. 


Reggie is having a bad day. He woke up late, spilled coffee on his homework, and was late to school. When Reggie gets to class, his teacher starts to lecture him about how important it is to be on time. Reggie should_______.

Accept that he was running late and deal with the consequences, without giving his teacher attitude or blaming others for his tardiness.



"the action of representing oneself or one's views or interests"

Speaking up for yourself to ask for what you want or need.


"Beth told me that Jen was not at school today. When I called Jen's house, her mom told me that she was feeling under the weather. I said that I hope she feels better tomorrow."

Why was Jen not at school?

Jen was sick.


"My emotions are a rollercoaster"

I feel a wide range of emotions in a relatively short amount of time (happy, sad, miserable, thrilled, etc)


What is a "mortgage"?

A mortgage is a loan from the bank to buy a house. You pay a little bit back every month until the full loan is repaid. Most people take 20-30 years to pay off their full mortgage. It is different from rent because if you keep paying, eventually you own the home and do not have to pay any more. 


Pete used to be best friends with Marco, but Marco trash-talked him last year behind his back and things have never been the same since. Today in the cafeteria, Pete accidently bumps into Marco and feels his anger rising. He suddenly wants to punch Marco. Pete should________.

Pete should simply say "excuse me" and walk away. There is no need to start a fight or bring up past events. If Pete feels like a conversation is needed about past events, he should calmly ask Marco if he would be willing to find an appropriate time to talk about them. 



short, rudely, or brief 

"I could tell by his curt reply that he was not interested in the job offer"


"When I went walking in the winter, I was in awe of the wondrous white wonderland which befell my gaze." 

Describe the setting. Where is this person?

This person is outside, walking through the snow in the wintertime. 


"She was fishing for compliments"

She was carefully structuring a conversation to get people to say nice things about her.

(example: Saying, "This dress makes me look fat", just so that people will say, "You don't look fat, you look great!")


You want to move into an apartment with your friend. The landlord tells you "It costs $1,000 a month. Move in requirements are first and last months' rent". What does he mean by "first and last month's rent"?

In order to move in, you have to pay a total of $2,000. The first $1,000 covers your first months' rent. The second $1,000 ensures that you will stay for the full term of your lease (usually a year). 

If you stay the full year, this covers the last month of rent and you do not need to pay that month. If you do NOT stay the full year or if you damage the apartment, you lose that money. 


Sarah is excited about her new job at Publix. It is her first job and she is excited to get some work experience for her resume. However, she wanted to work in the Floral Dept and when she starts working, she is disappointed that she has to clean the bathrooms instead. Sarah should _______.

Appreciate that she was given this work opportunity and know that she needs to start with "entry-level" jobs and work her way up within the company to eventually earn the job she really wants. 



The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

The setting/environment or the words surrounding an unknown word that helps you make sense of a word or sentence. 


"Alas! The oppressive heat burned down upon me as a stumbled through the ashen sands. Calloused and parched, I continued my quest through the endless barren landscape, my thoughts consumed by dreams of tropical ponds and refreshing waterfalls. Shall I die here today? If only I had brought more water!"

Where is this person?

This person is lost in the desert


"It's raining men"

No, this does not mean that men are literally falling from the sky. It means that a lucky lady has a lot of male suitors. 


What is a "lease"?

A "lease" refers to a specific amount of time that you get to use something before you have to give it back. If you lease a car, you usually have it for 2-3 years, then return it to the dealership. If you "sign a lease" for an apartment, you are agreeing to live there for a specific amount of time, usually 1 year.


Desmond was late for his friend's party. The party started at 8pm but he accidently took a nap after school and now it's 9pm. Desmond was racing to the party. He saw the yellow traffic light but decided he could make it. The light turned red. He saw the police sirens in his rear view mirror and started wondering whether he should drive faster or pull over. 

Desmond should pull over and accept the consequences of speeding. When spoken to by the police officer, he should be polite and respectful. He should use words like, "Yes sir" and "I understand". He should appear apologetic and not be confrontational. This is a simple traffic pull-over and there is no reason to escalate the situation. 



Pronounced "Ron-day-voo"

A meeting at a specific time. 


"The ferocious beast gazed directly into my soul as it stared down its next meal. Paralyzed with fear, I could do nothing but stare back at its giant teeth and hungry eyes whilst I awaited my ultimate demise".

What is happening in this scene?

This person is about to get eaten by some kind of large animal


"This is the icing on the cake"

While cake may always be welcome, cake with icing is even better. This means something wonderful has happened to make a good situation even better (or worse, depending on context).


Describe the difference between paying rent and paying a mortgage. 

If you pay rent, you are paying a landlord to live in his/her property. You do not own this property and you never will.

If you pay a mortgage, you are paying back the bank for a loan that helped you buy a house. When the loan is repaid, you own the house.