Twenty two sectors tested
Fragments in one direction
What is "Metal (Brute Justice Mode)?" OR "What is "Locus"?
Burnished Glory
Who is Fatebreaker?
Stand still
What is "Ordained Stillness?" (wimp answer)
What is "Acceleration Bomb"?
What is "Blighted Bouquet"? (GOATed answer)
What is "Gobsnick Leghops" (Actually cracked answer)
Delivering a potency of 240 over 18 seconds with an initial potency of 100, this now long lost ability was 2nd only to a Dark Arts Soul Eater in Dark Knight's kit.
What is Scourge?
Despicable You
What is "obtain 50/100 minions?"
One kingdom's fall is another kingdom's freedom
One sovereign's war is another sovereign's peace
What is "Revolutions?"
Fifth Element
Who is Seiryu?
4th rune
This ability on 2.0 release was a hard casted area of effect dot before being reworked into an instant cast off-GCD with a cooldown.
What is Shadow Flare?
The Stars in Our Faults
Complete the level cap "Astrologian" quest.
Unchosen paths, a broken past, forespoken wrath
The pain won't cease, I'll find no peace, no sweet release
What is "Oblivion"?
Therapeutic Shock
Who is Ratfinx Twinkledinks?
Odds away, evens stay
This skill would later be reimagined as a role action, increasing the user's healing potency by 30%.
What is Divine Seal?
Slaughterhouse Five
What is "Dispatch 5,000 enemies in a frontlines campaign."
A heartbeat without harmony
is moonlight without dark
What is 'Equilibrium'?
Reducible Complexity
What are Jagd Dolls?
Party stack, eat tankbuster
What is "Legislation?"
This was a weaponskill learned by lancers but could be cross classed by archers and ignored the casting requirement associated with Heavensward-era Wanderer's Minuet.
What is Feint?
Hey Now, You're an All-star
What is "complete the Heavensward beast tribe finale quest"?
Restless eyes, blind to the beast
Barren waters yield unto the tide
What is "Wayward Daughter"?
Red Wedding
Who is Avere Bravearm? (Tamtara HM final boss)
Big 3, small 2
A PVP exclusive action that dealt 250% its normal potency to any target that was stunned, asleep, or bound.
What is Between the Eyes?
Bite Me
What is "defeat Yojimbo on Kugane Ohashi"?