Never use this on a cat C fire
What is Water fire extinguisher
This is where we keep our CELC
Where is under each CCM station
You will find 2 onboard, and they are yellow
What is FAK ( First Aid Kit )
What is the alert ( emergency ) call to Flight Deck
This must be used and only inflated outside in case of a ditching
What is a Life vest
Last for minimum 20 minutes on heavy workload
What is B/E Aerospace ( PBE )
This manual describe our procedures in normal & emergency
What is OM-E
This is used for Emergency Cleaning and Virus protection
What is a Precaution Kit
CCM2 must switch this on when evacuation order is giving
What is the Emergency Light
It will take approximately 5 seconds to inflate....
What is the escape slides
This must be placed in nearest galley, with the text-side down and be observed
What is PED bag ( explosion and fire containment bag )
Located on the Yoke
What is Landing checklist
It contains 4 items and are used before every flight by the cabin crew
What is Safety demo Kit
If this is installed the Captain and CCM3 will bring it out when evacuation is needed
What is an ELT ( Emergency Locater Transmitter )
Must not be used on the emergency exit seats
What is extension/loop belt
2-3 meters
What is BCF ( Halon )
Flight crew will perform their cockpit duties according to aeroplane ....... in case of evacuation
What is QRH
There is only 1 onboard, and the color is orange
What is EMK ( Emergency Medical Kit )
Red light is flashing with maximum 10 sec apart the flashes
What is the emergency flashlight
Can be used to open the PSU
What is the release tool
These 4 firefighting equipment's can be found on F/D
What is: Crash Axe, BCF, fire gloves, PBE
This template must be filled if you are flying between 02:00 and 04:59 and the duty excess of 10 hrs.
Can be used on level 3 & 4
What is Pacification Kit
This can be used for a substitute if we have a inoperative PA system
What is the Megaphone
1200 PSI + 1 mask connected in high
What is the preflight check for portable oxygen bottles