A person with no high school diploma/GED makes how much money a year??
What is $30,000/year
List at least one reason to go back to school.
1) Money
What is one source of financial support for students?
5)Family Support
Who gets paid more, Women or men?
Men on average get paid more than women with the same qualifications.
Which famous actor played the role of Rachel Green in the hit TV sitcom Friends?
Jennifer Aniston
The High School Diploma Holder makes how much money per year??
$39,000/per year
Where would you start to get more information about higher education?
2)Local College/Adult School
3)A Job Center
4)A friend or family member
Does OVCDC have an Adult Ed. Program that can assist adults in obtaining higher education??
Watch this video and respond.
Which dinosaur got loose in the first Jurassic Park and rampaged on the island?
A person with some college, but no degree makes how much money per year??
What is one way a person can balance working and taking classes??
1)Ask for help!
2)Take classes online at your own pace.
3)Apply for student Aid.(FAFSA,DREAM Act, Loans, Scholarships)
Are there services for differently abled people??
Yes, there are many different services to meet peoples individual needs.
What race group do you think makes, on average the most money?
Daily Double: Please rate the following races starting from who you think has the highest income to who has the lowest,
Native Americans, Asian Americans, Black Americans, White Americans, LatinX/Hispanic Americans
Which character in Harry Potter said the iconic phrase, ""You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary."
Ronald Weasley
A person with an Associates degree makes how much money per year??
What is one thing that has been a barrier to furthering your education??
1) Money
2)Fear of failure
Are there tutoring services available?
Yes, most Adult Ed. or colleges have tutors free/low cost.
Why is there a wage gap?
What is your body's largest organ?
The skin
A person with a Bachelor's Degree makes how much money per year??
Are there extracurricular Activities?
Yes, most schools have different groups and organizations for students to join. Some might be:Sports, Academic clubs, Cultural groups, Anime club, Quidditch, political/civil rights clubs.
Why is education important in closing the wage gap?
Better pay, more opportunity, Education & Advocacy
The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through is called?
The iris