Lit Terms

The repetition of similar consonant sounds with a phrase of sentence. For example, Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.

What is alliteration?


What do you call the main character in a story?

What is the protagonist? 


Which type of mode of rhetoric (ethos, pathos, or logos) is related to emotions of the audience?

What is pathos? 


What two things should you look for when trying to find the least amount of bias?

What is government documents and statistics? 


Two independent clauses joined with a semicolon OR a comma and a FANBOYS (coordinating conjunction) make which type of sentence?

What is a compound sentence? 


An object, character, figure, or color used to represent abstract ideas or concepts

What is symbol? 


What type of character is well-developed?

What is a round character? 


Which type of mode of rhetoric (ethos, pathos, or logos) is related to the credibility of a speaker?

What is ethos? 


When a source sees something first-hand by witnessing an event, which types of source is that?

What is a primary source? 


Two independent clauses joined with a semicolon OR a comma and a FANBOYS (coordinating conjunction) make which type of sentence?

What is a complex sentence? 


Using a more socially appropriate word or phrase instead of a word or phrase often considered inappropriate

What is a euphemism? 


Which type of character stays the same?

What is a static character? 


Which type of mode of rhetoric (ethos, pathos, or logos) is related to rationalization or logical reasoning?

What is logos? 


Which research question would  be the best?

A. Why do people become addicted to their cell phones?

B. How many hours does the average person spend on their cell phone each day?

What is A? 


Fix this sentence:

Mrs. Gilliam worked with Mrs. Hay, Mr. Collins worked with Ms. Gardiner. 

What is: 

Add a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY) after the comma, or turn the comma into a semicolon.

As it stands, this is a comma splice.


Which type of literary device is this:

I saw the grade, and it was pretty ugly. I wasn’t happy with it for sure.

What is an oxymoron? 


If the author describes a character saying, “He was tall, 15 years old, and had a tan face with dark eyes,” what type of characterization would that be?

What is direct characterization? 


If an author talks about how he graduated from a great school and has experience, which rhetorical device is being used?

What is ethos? 


Which source would provide the most bias free information on cell phone usage?

A. An interview with a student who owns a cell phone.

B. A graph of average hours per day students use their cell phones.

What is B? 


Fix this sentence:

I feel well-prepared for my EOC, because I have worked hard in class.

What is: 

Because the independent clause comes first, this sentence does not need a comma after EOC.


Which type of literary device is used below?

I finished my game and thought, “Another one bites the dust!”

What is an idiom? 


If an author uses actions and dialogue to develop a character rather than describing the character specifically, what type of characterization would that be?

What is indirect characterization? 


If an author is lacking evidence and support for his claim, which rhetorical mode is he most lacking?

What is logos? 


Which research question would further develop the discussion of the roles of cell phones in the classroom?

A. How many students use cell phones during class?

B. What are possible ways for students to use cell phones educationally in the classroom?

What is B? 


What is the best way to punctuate this sentence?

A. The EOC will be a difficult test because it is lengthy.

B. The EOC will be a difficult test, because it is lengthy.

What is A?