This is usually how many days are in one month
What is 30
A three sided figure
What is a triangle
Finding the nearest whole ten is form of this
This is the place value shown here with an "x"--34.X
What is the tenths place
The top number in a fraction
What is a numerator
This is how many hours in are two full days
What is 48
This means after-noon
What is PM or post meridian
Estimate this answer to the nearest 100: 179 + 89
What is 200
This is the place value shown here with an "x" -- 65.2X
What is the hundredths
A coin with Jefferson on the front
What is a nickel
This measures temperature
What is a thermometer
This is the answer to an addition problem
What is a sum
Estimate this answer to the nearest 100: 531 - 221
What is 300
Decimals are numbers based on _______
What is ten
A line of numerals that can be used for counting
What is a number line
This is a clock with no hands
What is a digital clock
This is any counting number, positive or negative
What is an integer
This is one word that means estimation
What is one of these:
approximately, about, near, almost, best guess
Decimals to the right of the decimal point are less than ______.
What is one whole
100 - 81 = ?
What is nineteen
These four bills equal $25.00
What is one ten dollar bill and three five dollar bills
This is a 3 dimensional shape with no corners
What is a sphere
This is about how much money this equals: $4.85 + $5.65
What is $11.00
Decimals points are used to write amounts of _________.
What is money
A number that is less than zero
What is negative