Grab Bag

What is a synonym for "injure"? 

a. help 

b. carry 

c. hurt



hot is to cold as black is to _______



What is Mrs. Appert's dog's name?

Cooper (the pooper)


Abbie has her backpack on her bed. She is packing for a trip. She lays out a waterproof jacket and rain hat, extra socks, a flashlight, compass, binoculars, and water bottle. She hunts for extra batteries and decides to bring her camera. She checks on her sleeping bag and helps her parents bring out the tent. Where are Abbie and her parents are going?



What is the strategy we learned to help us summarize a fiction passage/story?

Somebody wanted but so then (finally)


What is a synonym for "late"? 

a. tardy 

b. early 

c. absent



eather is to bird as ___ is to dog



Which word would fit in both sentences? Let's take a ______________ now. 

Did Randy ___________________ his skateboard? 

a. rest          b. lose 

c. find          d. break



Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. What do you know about Lisa? A. She is helpful. B. She is afraid of bugs. C. She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.

She is very curious


Nina raced her brother Carlos down the sidewalk. “I’m going to win!” Nina laughed, peeking back at him. Then Nina ran right into a spider web. She jumped around, screaming. “Is it on me? Get it off of me! Get the spider off of me!” Nina slapped her hair. She pulled off the sticky web. “Where’s the spider?” Nina cried. Nina swiped at her face and arms. “I think it’s crawling all over me. It must be huge! Do you see it?” She asked Carlos. “Do you see the spider?” Carlos smiled. He pointed to the sidewalk. “There’s your spider,” he said. They watched a baby spider hurry away. “And guess what.” Carlos laughed. He dashed past the finish line. “I won!” Use Somebody wanted to but so to create a summary

Nina wanted to race her brother but when she started to run, she ran into a spider web, so she thought a spider was on her and was jumping around. Then her brother pointed to the spider on the ground. Finally, her brother laughed and dashed past the finish line and won the race.


What is an antonym for "pleased"? 

a. happy 

b. unsure 

c. unhappy



delicious is to yummy as gross is to



What are Mrs. Appert's kids' names?

Alexa, Izzy, and Bobby


Read this passage Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Josh and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house. Where do you think Josh and his dad were going?

They were going to the beach or pool.


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules. The main idea of this paragraph is: a. Peter cannot go in the living room. b. Peter's parents don't like the carpet. c. Peter likes to make a mess. d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.



What is a synonym for "drink"? 

a. thirsty 

b. eat 

c. sip



trong is to weak as love is to_____



Identify a morpheme in the sentence and tell what it means.

I got an autograph from my favorite baseball player!

graph: written


What do we use to make an inference?

Our scheme and clues from the text.


Read the passage In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. What is the theme of this story? A. If things get too hard just quit. B. You need to be short to be successful C. Michael Jorndan is an inspiration to all D. Never give up. Persistance pays off.



What is an antonym for "slowly"? 

a. rapidly 

b. harshly 

c. kindly



lass is to student as forest is to_____



What is Mrs. Appert's best friend's name from first grade?!
