Storm On The Horizon
Ready For Liftoff
Baa Baa Black Sheep

Though Nintendo will never confirm it, this character from Super Mario Bros 2 is thought to be transgender thanks to a description in the booklet included with the game.

Who is Birdo?


Password combos were common during the NES and SNES eras, but with the inception of the N64, cheat devices became the way to go. This device was the most popular for the N64.

What is the GameShark?


Learned from Guru Guru, this iconic song helps Link obtain the Lens of Truth in Ocarina of Time.

What is the Song of Storms?


Packaged with the US release of the NES, this game made use of the Nintendo Zapper.

What is Duck Hunt?


Ikumi Nakamura became an overnight internet sensation at E3 2019 when she appeared on Bethesda's stage to announce this title.

What is Ghostwire Tokyo?


This game was hated when it was first released thanks to poor translation and its inclusion of a Day/Night cycle.

What is Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest?


Despite fan outcry, this game is the only one in the Persona franchise that allows players to have homosexual relationships (as the protagonist).

What is Persona 2: Innocent Sin?


The biosensor was an odd Japanese exclusive peripheral that was only used for this N64 title. If your heart rate increased, the blocks would fall faster.

What is Tetris 64?


Born Claire Farron, this pink haired protagonist begins her journey trying to save her sister Serah.

Who is Lightning?


With disjointed hands and feet and a memorable purple hoodie, the first entry in this character's series was released alongside the Playstation in 1995.

Who is Rayman?


In 2014, Nintendo partnered with Robot Chicken to do some animated segments in their E3 presentation. At one point Reggie burns a fan with the fire flower for asking about this game.

What is Mother 3?


It’s no use trying to hide it, Sega. This game will forever live in infamy.

What is Sonic 06?


This game in the Fire Emblem series was the first game to allow the main unit to be gay. Unfortunately, there’s only one female and one male option.

 What is Fire Emblem Fates?


This area is the fifth of Kirby 64, and bears a striking resemblance to Earth after an ice age. It’s currently inhabited by robots, but abandoned malls and factories allude to the idea of life once prospering. Brrrr it’s cold.

What is Shiver Star?


Despite some questionable business ties, this video game company is so prestigious that they hold their own convention annually in Anaheim, California. Their name doesn’t really match that region very well.

What is Blizzard?


Released in 2012, this more obscure Nintendo title featured many of Nintendo's IPs in multiplayer minigames played using your own Miis.

What is Nintendo Land?


While Nintendo has been a part of E3 since its inception in 1995, they never formally revealed a console at the event until this console 11 years into their tenure.

What is the Wii?


While it wasn’t the series’ first attempt at an MMO, it certainly was the worst. Well, it was the worst until it got remade.

What is FFXIV?


In the Japanese version of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, this party member is heavily implied to be transgender. She was originally a part of the Shadow Sirens.

Who is Vivian?


The names “Nintendo Ultra 64” and “Nintendo Ultra Famicom” were going to be the names Nintendo chose for the N64 until this man coined the name we know today. You may know him as a main developer of the Mother series.

Who is Shigesato Itoi?


In this 2015 title, protagonist Max has a premonition of a massive storm that will level Arcadia Bay. Good thing she has time travel powers to help save the town, right?

What is Life Is Strange?


 Despite the Super Famicom being one of the most beloved consoles of all time, it only had two games at launch. One was Super Mario World, and the other was the first entry in this high octane racing series.

What is F-Zero?


This company's last showcase at E3 occurred in 2010 when they hired poor magicians, luchadors, and people who were high to present for them. The best game shown paralleled the conference itself by spawning the quote: "Memes. The DNA of our soul."

What is Konami?


This game was incredibly divisive due to its poor design and controls. Fortunately it introduced one of the coolest items in the series: the Sand Wand.

What is The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks?


Appearing in Ultra Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition, this trans woman is originally from this classic beat-em-up.

Who is Poison?


Nintendo actually partnered with Playboy to demo this mature 3D Platformer at 20 college campuses. Naughty Dog lead Neil Druckmann won a multiplayer competition at Florida State for one of these demos.

What is Conker's Bad Fur Day?


In Left 4 Dead 2, this campaign map turns into a downpour halfway through, impairing vision and hearing for everyone. Witches are everywhere.

What is Hard Rain?


Do your souls still burn? The first entry in this 3D fighting game series was released alongside the Sega Dreamcast in the USA.

What is Soul Calibur?


E3 is held in the Los Angeles Convention Center, but for three occasions it was held elsewhere: The Georgia World Congress Center in '97 and '98, and this city's airport in 2007, famous for its beaches and boardwalks.

What is Santa Monica?


Although graphically impressive at the time, this game was hated for its portrayal of the main protagonist.

What is Metroid Other M?