Sitting duck
Someone vulnerable to attack
Fall on deaf ears
To have something you say be ignored
Greener pastures
A more promising situation
Piece of cake
Add fuel to the fire
To make a situation worse
Count one's chickens before they hatch
Plan on getting something before it actually arrives
Bite your tongue
Avoid/keep yourself from saying something
Dead to the world
Deeply asleep
Spill the beans
Reveal a secret
Draw a blank
Can't remember or think of something
Clam up
Become suddenly shy or quiet. Stop talking
See eye-to-eye
Agree on something
A breath of fresh air
Something new and inventive. A change that feels good
Butter up
To compliment someone, usually in the hopes of getting something
Miss the opportunity for something
Have a cow
Give someone the cold shoulder
Ignore someone
Drop in the bucket
Something unimportant compared to the whole
Walk on eggshells
Be very cautious and careful about something
Read between the lines
Find the hidden meaning
High horse
To be arrogant or think you're above something
Bury your head in the sand
Hide from/avoid something
Calm before the storm
Cream of the crop
The best at somethng
Get a kick out of it
Really enjoy something