How long do we have to wait to allow a student to request a chat transcript at the end of a chat?
30 seconds.
When was LU founded?
When was Lynchburg founded?
I lived in England and was a former character/performer at Walt Disney World.
This trigger pulls up the hotkey directory.
How long do grade appeals take to be reviewed?
7 days from submission.
Approximately how many online programs are there?
Over 450
Lynchburg is known as the "The Hill City" because it's surrounded by how many "hills"?
7 - College Hill, Garland Hill, Daniel's Hill, Federal Hill, Diamond Hill, White Rock Hill, and Franklin Hill.
I know how to play the Piano, Flute, Clarinet, and the Sax
Jessica Jones
This hotkey can be used during the holiday season to offer registration.
True or False: You should only take applications for the Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychiatric Mental Health for the Spring 2022 since the Fall is full.
False - we are now not accepting any applications until further notice.
This percentage of Lynchburg City residents have a Bachelor's or higher.
I will accept anything from 30-40% :)
I believe Christmas music should begin in October.
This hotkey lists out the Communications Electives for undergraduate students.
A student is denied admission to the MDIV for their SOD Questionnaire. Can you do a degree change or new application to the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics: Non-Thesis?
Neither. Students who have been denied admission to any graduate or doctoral School of Divinity program due to the SOD Questionnaire are not permitted to switch to another program within the School of Divinity.
LU provides all employees free assistance for the following through what program?
• Marital/relationship or family problems • Childcare and elder care resource assistance • Financial concerns • Alcohol and drug issues • Depression and anxiety • Legal concerns • Feelings of overwhelming loss and grief • Times of crisis
EAP: Employee Assistance Program
How many steps does Monument Terrace have?
139 Steps
I was interviewed by Katie, then hired to Katie's team for email/chat, and now after 3 other AD's in Email/Chat I'm back!
This hotkey tells the student you're halfway through the application.
A student emails in to drop a course on Saturday at 1pm but we do not get to the email until Matriculation Monday. Do we reply asking if they have completed academic activity?
What is LU's motto?
"Knowledge Aflame"
From April 6 to April 10 of what year was Lynchburg the state capitol?
I am very competitive.