This feisty and hot-tempered fairy glows like a firefly and leaves a trail of pixie dust behind her. She is considered Peter Pan's sidekick.
This shady sorcerer with his twisted beard and serpentine staff, that allows him to hypnotize people.
These mythical creatures are usually found in European folklore stories. They are known for flying around but also use their wings to wave hello. They are also known as fallen angels.
Thanks to Saturday night Fever, this group has always encouraged us to stay alive.
Bee Gees
It was number 1 on the US R&B chart in 1980, this group reminded us that we celebrate the good times.
Kool and the Gang
This short-tempered but charming blue alien comes off as a crazy character designed to cause chaos wherever he may go. This adventure in Hawaii taught us to embrace family, no matter the circumstance.
In Dutch, her name means villain and she lives to get fur and exemplifies greed and selfishness. She has a skeletal physique and is known to get into people's personal space and blow smoke in their face.
Cruella Deville
These magical creatures can go way back to the time when Christopher Columbus was sailing the seas on his voyage. People have claimed to see these in the water and are usually depicted as beautiful women, known for their enchanting song.
Released in 1976, this artist suggested to not go breaking his heart.
Elton John
This group reminded us that we can together at the love shack.
This character served as Pinocchio's conscience after being brought to life by the blue fairy. Most of Pinocchio's misfortunes were consequences by ignoring this character's advice.
Jiminy Cricket: Pinocchio
This big arrogant man was greedily determined to get this princess in marriage, even by blackmailing her by threatening her father. He was a strong villain who ate five dozen eggs a day.
These monstrous creatures have unappealing looks but have human characteristics. They are dark-skinned almost resembling a dwarf. They have big ears and noses and are usually found in caves and may be known to cast spells on humans.
Released in 1978, this musical told us to have fun on those summer nights. John Travolta and Olivia Newton John
Released in 1984, this artist had the best days of his life in the summer of 69.
Bryan Adams
This fun-loving, easy-going and good natured sloth bear taught us to look for the bare necessities. He reminds us to enjoy life and let loose once in a while in the animated film the Jungle Book.
This villain was originally perceived as a good guy after singing a duet with the Princess. He manipulates a plan to try to inherit the throne of another country through marriage, while attempting to kill her sister in the process.
Hans: Frozen
These tiny little creatures are typically seen as statues in your garden or front yard. They are mystical creatures from the Renaissance time and are known as symbols of good luck. They were also thought to provide protection.
Considered the top song of the 70s, this ballad was sang by this artist who feels wonderful tonight.
Eric Clapton
Released in 1986, This group reminded us that sometimes we have to fight for our right to party.
Beastie Boys
As of January 1st, 2021, there are 12 official Disney princesses: Name them
Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana
Raya: 13th possibly (the Last dragon, Asian Princess)
This villain was the only person to see the creation of the mystical Sundrop Flower and unlocked its healing powers. She ends up kidnapping the princess and making her believe that she was her mother.
Mother Gothel: Tangled
These strong- one eyed giants come from Greek Mythology and were important in history for helping Zeus achieve his greatness. They have no social manners or fear anything.
Released in 1976 on their album Jailbreak, this Irish Rock band reminded us that the boys are back in town.
Thin Lizzy
Released in 1982, this artist reminds us that it's a nice day for a white wedding.
Billy Idol