Art History
Music History
Theatre History
Architecture History

Art History is Timeless, as everything does. it had a peak! But when was it? A. 18th century, B. 15th century, C. 16th century, D. 20th century, or E. 17th Century

E. 17th Century

Music of course was timeless as Art is! As everything does it had a peak! But when was it? A. 20th, B. 18th, C. 19th, D. 17th, or E. 16th

C. 19th


Theatre even though it being so new to the world, when was its peak? A. 16th, B. 17th, C. 20th, D. 15th, or E.19th

A. 16th


We love the Eifel tower but why was it built? A. For Fun, B. Government made, C. for a Talent show, D. Was payed, or E. Made because of religion

D. Talent Show

In a culture they wrote, Hieroglyphs. What mythology used them? A. Greek, B. Egyptian, C. Babylonian, D. Roman, or E. Chinese

B. Egyptian


Art is from all places from all over the world, but were did most art come from. A. Netherlands, B. France, C. Germany, D. Italy, or E. Greece

D. Italy


When things go from normal to loud, what is that called? A. Forte, B. Piano, C. Arpeggio, D. Crescendo, or E. Accent

A. Forte

Just like anything, they start somewhere. But where did Drama start? A. England, B. France, D. Greece, C. Babylon, E. Rome

D. Greece


This is Tian Tan Buddha, where this this located?

A. Vietnam, B. Thailand, C. Hong Kong, D. Cambodia, or E. China

C. Hong Kong


Where did this painting take this Goddess from?

 A. Greek, B. Roman, C. Egyptian, D. Chinese, or E. Nordic

B. Roman


Painting was a great way to spread ideas, what Church made art to their advantage? A. Catholic, B. East Orthodox, C. Protestantism, D. Anglicism, or E. Christian

A. Catholic


A lot of people play instruments that require.... What is it that revolves with your mouth that isn't made of Brass? A. Percussion, B. Wind, C. Brass, D. Strings, or E. Singing

B. Wind


So now we know where it came from, but when did it begin? A. 5th BC, B. 1st BC, C. 6th BC, D. 1 AD, or E. 2 AD

C. 6 AD


We know some Ancient History but what nation had this?

A. Sumeria, B. Greece, C. Egypt, D. China, or E. Babylon

E. Babylon


This lion is from a Mythology but from where? A. Japanese, B. Korean, C. Chinese, D. Greek, or E. Nordic

C. Chinese


This is The Garden of Earthly delights, usually Satan is depicted by Snakes, but this painting Satan is depicted by a, A. Frog, B. Owl, C. Goat, D. Fish, or E. Tree

B. Owl


The oldest song is Hurrian Hymn No.6 but where did it originate from? A. Egyptian, B. Roman, C. Turkish, D. Chinese, or E. Greek

E. Greek


So if you don't know Broadway began in the 30s! but who was the first Actor from Broadway? A. Bernadette Peters, B. George M. Cohan, C. Patti Lupone, D. Nathan lane, or D. Ethel Merman

B. George M. Cohan


This is the Lighthouse of Alexandria , when was it Destroyed?

A. 1500s, B. 1400s, C. 1000 AD, D. 2000s, or D. 1600s

B. 1400s


This Horse is a symbol to what Mythology?

A. Greek, B. Roman, C. Native, D. Aztec, or E. Nordic

E. Nordic


Paintings have been here FOREVER, but what country has the OLDEST painting known to date? A. Spain, B. Ethiopia, C. China, D. South Africa, or E. United States

A. Spain


As you know, I played the Clarinet.... But who made it? I wonder if you know? A. Mozart, B. Tchaikovsky, C. Beethoven, D. Denner, or E. Bacht

D. Denner


We know what these mean, but what are the names?

A. Sock and Buskin, B. Tragedy and Humor, C. Dra and Ma, D. happy and sad, or D. Thalia and Melpomene

D. Thalia and Melpomene


Who was the Emperor when the Colosseum was built?A. Julius Caeser, B. Augustus, C. Otho, D. Aulus Vitellus, or D. Jupiter

A. Julius Caeser


What is the Oldest Mythology? A. Greek, B. Persian, C. Egyptian, D. Sumerian, or E. Greek

D. Sumerian