Medical Services Through the Years
Healthcare Insurance History
Medical Practice
Healthcare Reform
Forces of U.S Health Care delivery

The Corporate era was the last era in history making it the ….

What was the third recognizable historical era?


When healthcare and health insurance is dominated by large corporations

What is corporatization?


These practices were looked down on during the pre-industrial era because of how common they were and the methods used were random and not based on science. Currently, this is one of the most sought-after professionals.

What is medical practice?


This health insurance covers most of the vulnerable population and does not require an income test.

What is Medicare?


This act was put into place in 2010 in hopes of providing affordable healthcare to all

What is the ACA?


Facilities that people were put in due to mental illness but were mistreated and had suffered through inhumane and nonscientific treatments

What were asylums?


This healthcare insurance protected workers from wage losses due to injuries acquired while on the job. It was also the trial plan to propose a nationwide healthcare system but was overcome by private healthcare insurances.

What was Worker’s Compensation?


This field of study has begun to improve and support the importance of health and the medical field

What is Science in the medical field?


This healthcare insurance does have an income criterion as it only covers the poor and is financed by the states who match the fund given by the government

What is Medicaid?


The rise of science and technology in the medical field put an emphasis on the specialization of physicians as the most important thing leaving basic care secondary to it

What caused the US to put basic care as secondary to specialization?


These facilities were also known as poor houses and this is where most of the vulnerable population would be held and kept rather than a facility where the sick are treated

What are almshouses?


Professors at Baylor University received a hospital insurance plan created by Justin Kimball

Who were the first people to be offered healthcare plans?


This industry s the major employer in the US and continues to grow due to the constant evolving of technology and the rising population

What is the US healthcare industry?


Healthcare expenditures increase every year by 30%

How often does healthcare expenditures increase?


The majority of people in the US receive healthcare through private plans but come receive care through government paid plans

What are the two ways people can receive healthcare


This organization protects physicians and supported laws requiring the licensing of medical practitioners and was created in the post-industrial era

What is the American Medical Association?


This non-profit organization helped unite the first-ever hospital plans that were offered to University teachers and each hospital began creating its own plan.

What is the Blue Cross Association?


The aging population and the need for more medical employees to treat the chronic illnesses and diseases the growing population has is causing this shortage

What is the physician shortage?


Part A of medicare focused on using Social Security to fund healthcare plans while Plan B was used to pay the physician’s bill.

What did Parts A and B of Medicare cover?


This population in the U.S has continued to grow and with their growth has come a large amount of political power though this is changing as the younger generations are becoming older enough to vote.

What is the aging population?


As science and technology advanced the practice that was demanded from physicians became complex and required more training and education than before but also pushed for more specialization and the use of newer technologies causing a spike in healthcare costs

What are the negative effects of science and technology?


When there was a wage free due to the Second World War companies started to offer health benefits as compensation to their workers which eventually developed into this type of insurance

What is Employment-Based Healthcare insurance?


These healthcare professionals make up the largest group of professionals in the healthcare field and developed after the First World War

What are nurses?


In 1954 Congress created a part of the Internal Revenue Code that prevented this type of coverage from being taxable to encourage employment-based health insurance

What is employer-paid health coverage?


This force came included new diseases and drug-resistant infections and bacteria which called for more research, technology, and workers creating change in the US healthcare delivery system

What are ecological forces?