In your classroom biocontaminants shall be
What is stored in locked areas and inaccessible to children.
When children are in care and weather conditions permit, there shall be outdoor time for no less than how many minutes per day?
What is 60 minutes
Licensed facilities are required to provide a minimum of this amount of distance between sleep mats with no barrier. Reach for the stars and provide this amount space in between mats for additional points.
What is 18" and 36"
This document must be posted and will detail what goes on and when
What is the Daily Classroom Schedule.
These shall be changed whenever they become soiled or wet and not on a shift basis.
What are diapers.
This should be freely available to children of all ages.
What is water
Staff must be able to see and hear children aged birth to five years old while they are participating in this activity.
What is eating
This may never be associated with praise or punishment in a licensed child care program
What is food or beverage
Water in areas accessible to children shall be tempered between this temperature range.
What is 80-110 degrees
When these are located in a space used by children, even those behind furniture, must be covered.
What are electrical outlets and power strips.
Daily opportunities for outdoors shall be
In addition to the required amount of activity areas that are available each day, the center shall provide materials and opportunities at least weekly for these activities.
What is music and rhythm, science and nature and sand and water play.
This document must be posted and may help in an emergency situation.
What is CPR and First Aid Posters
Staff shall not force children to use this and should consider the developmental readiness of each child.
What is the toilet
Food like cupcakes, cakes and donuts do not meet this and shall only be offered for special occasions such as holidays and birthdays.
What are nutritional requirements
Staff must do this with children while moving about the indoor and outdoor area.
Delegating discipline to another child who may be older and better behaved is an acceptable means of discipline.
What is false
Instructions for caregivers on proper methods of this necessary process must be posted in the diaper changing area.
What is Diaper changing and handwashing
All topical creams or lotions must be stored at least 5 feet out of the reach of children or locked in a storage cabinet and must be accompanied by this.
What is a Medication Administration Permission for Over the Counter Topical Medications
Materials such as hula hoops, balls or ride on cars left by a child in a fall zone is a potential hazard and is worthy of what?
Four point NCDCDEE violation.
The materials and equipment in an activity are shall be in sufficient quantity to allow how many children to use?
What is 3.
This document must be posted and details what specifically your students will be busy doing.
What is a Weekly Lesson Plan or Activity Schedule.
Staff shall provide this to each child to ensure proper hygiene.
What is assistance
Staff shall role model appropriate eating behaviors by doing this while in the presence of children in care.
What is consume only foods and beverages that meet nutritional requirements .
Staff must be positioned in the indoor and outdoor environment to maximize their ability to do this
What is hear and see the children at all times and render assistance.
A counter-intuitive practice of discipline is to take this time away from children, which is the easiest time to expend extra energy, additionally this time is State mandated.
What is Outdoor Gross Motor Time
Spraying the entire diapering or toileting area with this approved disinfecting solution and allowing it to remain on the surface for two minutes is required after each diaper change/or toileting incident.
What is 800ppm bleach water solution
These are the life of any party however are not permitted and shall not be accessible to children under 5 years of age
What are balloons
The outdoor area shall have this provided by a building, awnings, trees or other methods.
What is shade.
Screen time is limited to 30 minutes per day and no more than a total or two and a half hours per week children and is not permitted at all for use for children younger than.
What is 3 years of age.
These shall be posted where they can be seen in the food preparation area as well as in the children's eating area.
What is Special Diets and Food Allergies
If these essentials are not available in the toileting areas for children and staff, violations will be issued.
What is soap, paper towels and toilet tissue.
Meals and snacks shall be be planned according to the number of hours a child is in care. All children in care at least 6 hours but less than 12 hours must be offered this many meals or snacks.
What is 2 meals and 1 snack
This must be done and documented every 15 minutes when an infant is asleep.
What is a visual sleeping check.
This is the "goodest" approach to discipline we can implement with children of all ages which promotes desirable behavior and reduces punishing interactions.
What is redirection
Each of these shall be assigned ad labeled for each individual child and equipped with individual lines.
What are mats and cribs.
During monthly fire drills these must be used for the non-ambulatory children as described in the evacuation plan.
When a center is licensed for 30 or more children, the outdoor play area shall be no smaller than
Children under 12 months shall be given this supervised activity while awake and alert each day.
What is Tummy Time
Each group of children must have the appropriate number of staff members present based on the total number of children in care-What document must be posted for parents to see regarding this?
What is the Classroom Staff to Child Ratio
These must be posted near the sinks in the bathroom as well as in the classrooms to ensure proper processes.
What are handwashing signs and instructions
Plastic bags, toy parts with parts small enough to be swallowed and materials that can be easily torn apart such as foam rubber and Styrofoam, except plates which may be used for food service, shall not be accessible to children less than this age
What is less than 3 years old.
This essential area in the learning environment often poses the most dangers to children if not properly supervised.
What is the bathroom
Expecting everyone to be quiet at meals or wait quietly for long periods of time is
What is developmentally inappropriate
Toys, equipment and furniture shall be kept clean in good repair and shall be cleaned by
What is cleaned with warm soapy water and sprayed with 50ppm bleach solution and allowed to air dry.
This document must accurately reflect the number of children in care at all times
What is the classroom/group attendance
This is the first order of business when returning in from outdoors.
What is handwashing
These personal staff items can be potential hazards to children when left accessible and not stored in a locked cabinet.
What is a purse or handbag
These must be posted for quick reference by caregivers in the infant room.
What are Feeding Instructions
What items are approved to be stored/kept on changing tables
What is nothing-No materials or diapering items are to be stored on the diaper changing table, only within the cabinet below.
This activity must be take place prior to any eating or drinking
What is handwashing
Lights out! Our favorite time of the day still requires constant supervision-Naptime is down time however we must remain in compliance by
What is positioning ourselves in the classroom to be able to visibly see every child.
This must be completed prior to serving food or snack at classroom tables.
What is washed with soapy water and sanitized with 50ppm bleach solution.