Best Practices
Pro Tips
Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money
This and That

The lead has Ghosted you, you are calling, texting, and emailing with no response.. what is your next move? 

What is tag an ISA 


When you get a contract who do you send it to?

Who is Nick and Dawn AND Ms. Tonja

You called and  Texted a new lead with no response? what is your next move?

what is send a personalized email?


Buyers can use this cool tool to get a leg up if they have a house to sell or if the house they want has multiple offers 

What is Ribbon? 


Realtor.com inquiry dings your phone at 8:45 pm what do you do? 

What is Call/Text asap and follow up with a personalized email!


You swiped away a notification on accident, where can you find all past alerts? 

What is alert Bell


What is the name of the new database manager?

Who is Amber Porch 


A Realtor.com lead says they are going to view a home on Friday with a different agent what do you do next? 

What is follow up on Friday to see if they signed a BA and offer an off market opportunity and try to schedule an appt to show them. 


The ONLY prequalification question you ask

Are you currently working with an agent and do you have a signed agreement


You claim a lead and you see the ISA has already called..what do you do? 

Call, Text and email.


A live call comes through, but they " arent looking now" and decline further help?  what do you do when you hang up? 

What is  add to system


Who do you contact in mortgage for a preapproval or any questions? 

Who is Joe Landingham. 

You had a great conversation with a lead and set up an appointment to view a home, at the last minute the listing agent cancels.. what do you do? 

What is PIVOT...Keep the appointment but offer to meet at a coffee shop or office! 


credit score 581 and need a lift? sign up for this.

What is the boost program


What are somethings you can do to provide value to investors?

1. offer off market opportunities, give details that will draw them in? 

2. provide financial information. Provide market information, rate of return, etc 


You finally reach an in-process lead and they don't give you a timeline.. how do you stage them? 



Who do you contact for your pre-listing needs/questions/concerns? 

 Who is Nick & Dawn 


a lead tells you they aren't actively looking and want to wait until their lease is up in another 5 months.. what do you stage them? 

What is HOT 


Lead has a good credit score but not enough saved for a down payment.. what should you do?

what is Refer to Mortgage!


The number of times you should call an " In process" lead

Until they pick up!


A lead is moving from out of state and has never visited Charleston before and you want to create "value" what is a good email template to share? 

What is  Contact us Community Template


Who do we use as the closing attorney?

Who is Weeks and Irvine. 


Best way to share listings with leads

What is a permalink? 

Average Price Point for an Ecomm transaction? 

What is $$$$$


Source that converts at the highest rate.

What is.. Call in