Describes a current state or situation
Present Simple
When do we use the preposition "for"?
When you want to express a period of time
She is the daughter of my brother-in-law's son.
My niece.
It's in our face, we have just one and we couldn't smell without it.
The fridge, cupboard, sink, and cooker are located here.
Describes a finished action at a definite time in the past
Past Simple
When do we use the preposition "since"?
It is used to express when something started.
He is my sister's husband.
My brother in law
We have two of them, they are the link between our arms and our body.
A small container in which to put the ash and the remains of cigars.
An ashtray.
Describes an action that began in the past and continues now
Present Perfect
When do we use the verb "talk"?
We use the verb "talk" when people are having a conversation.
She is my mother's sister.
My Aunt.
It's the link between the arm and the forearm.
A floor covering made of thick material or animal skin, which is laid on the floor.
A rug.
Describes a future arrangement between people
Present continuous
When do we use the verb "speak"?
We use the verb "speak" when speaking about de languages, describing the physical action.
What is the noun of the verb "be/get pregnant"?
Describes an action in progress at the time of speaking
Present continuous
When do we use the preposition "during"?
We use "during" when something happened within a specific period of time.
My brother is older than a baby but younger than a kid. It's a..?