What is the name of the boss that has three wither skeleton heads?
The Wither
What city in California is YouTube headquarters located in?
San Bruno, California
How many trees did Mr. beast pledge to plant by 2020?
20 Million
The character Link is from what popular Nintendo franchise?
The Legend of Zelda
This large Twitch streamer's video of dancing while wearing a Bernie Sanders shirt blew up on Twitter.
How many legs does a creeper have?
What is the most subscribed to YouTube channel?
T-Series unfortunately
What state are the stairs from the movie Joker located?
New York City
What is the name of Nintendo of America's ex-president?
Reggie Fils-Aimé
What song was created by Dream?
How many Eyes of Ender are required to open the portal to the End?
What award is granted to YouTubers who reach the 50 million subscribers milestone?
The Ruby Playbutton
Who saved Adolf Hitler from drowning?
Johann Kuehberger
In Minecraft, what real-world animal produced the sounds for a Ghast?
A cat
This man is famous for wearing a red bandana and a USA speedo.
Ricardo Milos
What layer is most common to find diamonds?
Layer 12
After three strikes to a channel, what happens to the YouTube account( exact term)?
On the Tesla P-100 D, what mode allows the vehicle to go from 0-60 mph in 2.3 seconds?
Ludicrous mode
What is the best selling video game franchise?
What YouTuber started the Harlem Shake trend?
Filthy Frank
What planet size is approximately the same as a Minecraft world?
What YouTuber lost the most amount of subscribers in one day?
James Charles
What country has the highest average penile length?
Dominican Republic of Congo
In the Among Us Skeld map, what is the specific spot at which the game will tell you to "Take a break"?
What was a trending meme font in 2010?