The region of Siberia occupies approximately three quarters of which country?
What is the regulation height for a basketball goal?
Double Jeopardy!!
Who was the first and only U.S. president to serve non-consecutive terms?
Grover Cleveland
How many spices are in Colonel Sanders original recipe?
Save money, live better
What is the tallest building in the world called?
Burj Khalifa
Kyrie Irving was born in what country?
Which president was a classically trained pianist and played 4 other instruments?
Richard Nixon
What was the first vegetable ever to be planted in space?
Double Jeopardy!!
The snack that smiles back
After Alaska, which U.S. state has the longest coastline?
Double Jeopardy!!
Who was Mohammed Ali's opponent at Rumble in the Jungle?
George Foreman
Which president and his wife hold the record for longest married first couple?
Jimmy Carter
What fast food outlet has the most outlets?
Think different
Double Jeopardy!!
Which English city has more miles of canals than Venice?
In 1999 the Chicago Bulls traded superstar Scottie Pippen to what team?
Houston Rockets
Which president hated his painted portrait so much that he eventually burned it?
Teddy Roosevelt
According to data recorded by the Huffington Post, what food is considered to be stolen the most?
It's everywhere you want to be
By what name is the parallel of latitude 23.5 degrees North of the equator commonly known?
Tropic of Cancer
After retiring as a player what team did Babe Ruth spend 1 year as a coach?
Brooklyn Dodgers
Which president made Christmas a national holiday?
Ulysses S Grant
Double Jeopardy!!
What fruit shares about 60% of the same DNA as humans?
Quality never goes out of style