What is one way you can "be prepared" in class?
-Put my name on my work
-Have homework completed
-Keep desk organzied and clean
What is one way you can be kind to the cafeteria workers?
- Clean up after myself and others
- Wash tables
- Keep tables and floor clean
Name one way to be kind to yourself and others in the gym.
- Play safely with everyone
-Be a good sport (win or lose)
-Share all equipment
What is the missing word from this sentence,
"Use my time _________ and return to class quickly."
What area are you respsonsible for keeping neat and organized in the classroom? (Be prepared)
Desk area
What noise level should be used when walking in the hallway?
Level 0
Of the 3 major expectations, which one does this support? -Use the restroom and wash my hands before going to lunch
Be Prepared
What type of shoes to you need to wear for gym class with Mr. Goodson?
Tennis Shoes
Name one way you can be kind to yourself and others while in the bathroom.
-Keep your hands to yourself
-Keep stalls neat and clean
-Make sure staill is empty
Of the 3 major expectations, which one does this support? -respect other people's property
Be Kind to Myself and Others
How can you show you are PREPARED to enter the hallway?
Being quiet in line
When doing your very best in the cafteria, which noise levels are appropriate?
Level 0, Level 1, or Level 2
In order to do your very best and enjoy a game, you must listen and pay attention to what?
The rules of the game
Name two things you must do when exiting the bathroom.
-Wash your hands
-Throw away paper towels
Raise my Hand
Name one way you can be kind to others in the hallway?
Keeping hands and feet to myself
Walking quietly
Staying on the right side of the hallway
What is another setting (other than the cafeteria and classroom) that you would need to do your very best by staying seated?
Assemblies or School Bus
Of the 3 major expectations, which one does this support? -Remember my jacket, hat, or gloves if I take them off outside.
Be Prepared
Of the 3 major expectations, which one does this support? -Use time wisely in the restroom wisely and return to class promptly?
Always Do My Very Best
We always do our best in the classroom when engaging with our teachers and other students. What vocabulary word means, "the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas."
Of the 3 major expectations, which one do these two support? -set a good example -Walking quickly but not running
Always Do My Very Best
What vocabulary word means a way of behaving toward others? (Always do my very best)
What vocabulary word means activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness?