What swallowed Jonah?
I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive
Who is Carrie Underwood
True or False? Work should be your rock?
"Never estimate me?
Who is Lilo
Sherif of Hawkins Indiana
Jim Hopper
Jonah was swallowed for how long?
3 days/nights
This singer earned 5 number one singles during the 2010's including Blank Space
Taylor Swift
Someone we are emotionally _________ on?
Biggest trash talker in the family?
Uncle D
Jordan, Preach and Liv
What is All American
What city was Jonah supposed to go to?
This "Happy" singer has the most downloaded song in the UK.
Who is Pharrell
God is always _______, solid, and non-changing
Hey my Fat Fat?
Who is Uncle Pono?
You've all been missing, presumed dead for five and a half years.
Jonah said in ___ days God would destroy the city of Nineveh.
This artist loves you just the way you are
Bruno Mars
Make God your rock. Seek Him _______?
Family member playing in the Little League World Series?
Who is Kamau Passi
Seattle Grace Hospital
What is Grey's Anatomy
God arranged ____ to wither thee plant.
This British artist' second album sold over 31 million.
But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on ______?Matthew 7:26
He has the hottest Podcast out right now?
Who is Joe Rogan
We Kick the Competition
Larusso's Auto Group