Food Science

The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water



                                                                             F= -kx

This is the Hoole's law written in its equation form. What does the F stand for?

F = restoring force


Why do most vitamins need to come from food?

The body either does not produce them or produces very little.


What does PCR stand for?

Polymerase Chain Reaction


Give an example of practical use for Hooke's law.

Measuring the weight of an object with a spring balance.


From which process do yeast extract the most amount of energy from sugar? Fermentation or Aerobic Respiration?

Aerobic Respiration


Is gravity a vertical force or a horizontal force?

Vertical force.


When CO2 dissolves in H2O, water and gaseous carbon dioxide react to form ___.

carbonic acid  (H2CO3)


What is a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)

The change of a single nucleotide at a specific position in the genome.


What type of organism are yeast?

Single-celled fungi.


The the factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis.

Light intensity

Carbon dioxide concentration



When a car crashes into a wall what will the ending velocity be?

the ending velocity will be 0.


Why do people need a regular supply of water-soluble vitamins?

Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for long and cannot be stored. They leave the body via the urine.


A scientist wants to draw 18ul of distilled water and move it to a new tube. Which micropipette volume range should they use?

2ul - 20ul


During the flight of a projectile, why does the horizontal speed remain constant but the vertical speed change?

The vertical speed of a projectile changes due to the pull of gravity on the projectile.


What is the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen.


When a roller-coaster car reaches the very top of its first big hill it has a lot of potential energy because it is very high off the ground. It moves over the top of the hill very slowly, then it drops down the other side of the hill and starts going very fast as its height rapidly decreases.

What is happening to the roller coaster cars energy?

The potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.


Why does soda pop taste better when it fizzes?

In a fizzy drink, the dilute carbonic acid creates a slight burning, tingling sensation on your tongue.


What is a restriction enzyme?

A molecular scissor that cuts DNA at specific nucleotide sequences known as restriction sites.


Within a plant cell, chlorophyll is found in which organelle.

The chloroplasts. 


In yeast, which waste product is produced in fermentation but not aerobic respiration?



Look at these two situations:

1. Car A collides with a static, unbreakable wall. Only car A had kinetic energy before the crash.

2. Car B collides with car C, both cars had motion and kinetic energy at the time.

Which is the more energetic crash? i.e., which crash released the most total energy?

The 2nd situation released the most total energy.

In the first example where only one car is moving, the energy released during the collision is K. In the second example, however, two are cars moving, so the total energy released during the collision is 2K. So the crash in case B is clearly more energetic than the case A crash.


Enzymes are said to be very “specific,” meaning that they recognize only one substrate (or a few closely related substrates) and convert it into a specific product. Explain why this is so.

Each enzyme is specific because it is folded into a particular three-dimensional shape. Within the folds of each enzyme is the active site, the place where the substrate fits and where the chemical reaction takes place.


Why are short tandem repeats (STRs) used to identify a person during DNA analysis?

STRs are short DNA sequences that repeat several times in a row. The number of times the bases repeat, however, varies between people. Therefore the length of DNA where STRs are located also varies between people.


If a person is homozygous for a gene. What does this mean? 

A person is said to be homozygous for a gene if they have two identical copies of the gene.