_____ _____ Poo Poo Check.
What is pee pee?
This video game character can change into seven (7) different characters.
What is eevee?
This animal was the inspiration for Pokémon such as Squirtle and Shuckle.
What is a turtle?
The plot of this movie is essentially watching a man go through a midlife crisis because he is no longer fast.
What is Cars 3?
Our furriest student.
Who is Red?
What are turtles?
In this video game you’re in continuous debt to a raccoon dog, his nephews, and a little dog.
What is Animal Crossing?
This animal poops cubes.
What are wombats?
“I can show you the worllllllllld! Shining shimmering splendooooor.”
What is Aladdin?
This staff uses a squishmallow squid as a pillow every night.
Who is Jade?
This popular 2000s cartoon featuring colorful main characters has been popular to use as templates for memes.
What is Pokémon snap?
This animal is commonly thought of as fictional, but is the official animal of the country of Scotland.
What are unicorns?
Jade’s Favorite Disney Movie.
What is Lilo and Stitch?
This staff has been fired and replaced with a look a like.
Who is Hannah? (Um)
This saying is often accompanied with someone pointing their index finger to the inside of their elbow.
What is sheeeeeeeesh?
This character is a big boy dragon and lives in a special place called “The End.”
What is the Ender Dragon?
What are hamsters?
What is Moana?
This student is a professional chocolate milk maker.
Who is Ed?
Clams have 200 eyes, but can they _____?
What is why?
This character spends most of their time breaking pots, slaying monsters, and making weird sounds.
Who is Link?
This animal has a brain shaped like a rotisserie chicken.
What is an American opossum?
Encourages you to eat bugs.
What is The Lion King?
Wears miss matched socks that are the same length most days.
Who is Kim?