What Sport Is A Lot Like Softball?
What is baseball?
The main difference of the two is that softball is played with a larger ball compared to baseball.
In the space separating two objects.
I Owe You?
In 1956 Elvis sang about "Suede Shoes", but what colour were they?
What is blue?
Elvis recorded "Blue Suede Shoes" in 1956. Carl Perkins wrote the song and recorded it prior to Elvis.
Area 51 is located in which US state?
Where is Nevada?
What Is The Very Centre Of An Archery Target Or Dart Board Called?
What is a bullseye?
Hitting a bullseye in archery is worth ten points, while in darts, it is worth 50 points for the inner circle and 25 points for the outer ring.
To give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against?
Buy one, get one?
What 60s artist was famous for his renderings of everyday objects such as soup cans?
Who is Andy Warhol?
Named after the mallow flower, mauve is a shade of what?
What is purple?
What Is The Name Of The Area On Which The Game Of Tennis Is Played?
What is a court?
In a more excellent way.
Federal Emergency Management Agency?
Who landed at 17 Cherry Tree Lane in a well-known Walt Disney movie from 1964?
Who is Mary Poppins?
In what city was JFK assisinated?
What is Dallas?
What Type Of Race Is The Tour De France?
What is bike race?
The Tour de France is an annual bike race held mostly in France. It occasionally passes through nearby countries. It has 21 stages that happen over the course of 23 days.
To promise to give in marriage?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
Which iconic blonde actress, and rumored lover of President John F. Kennedy, was found dead in her bedroom August 5, 1962?
Who is Marilyn Monroe?
What is the common name for dried plums?
What are prunes?
In Baseball, What Does The Abbreviation HR Represent?
What is home run?
To cause (oneself) to reflect on or consider.
Intensive care unit?
What was the name of the circular plastic 1950s toy that was placed around the waist and operated by gyrating the hips?
What is a Hula Hoop?
Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
Who is Patrick?
This Team Features A Lightning Bolt On Its Helmet.
Los Angeles Chargers?
Ever since 1960, the team's logo has always featured a lightning bolt. The only changes the logo ever had was color changes.
One that bets or places a bet.
Urinary tract infection?
Which television game show first aired in 1956 and is still running today?
What is the Price Is Right?
What is Earth's largest continent?
What is Asia?