Textual Evidence

The dancer moved very gracefully. 

What is supple?


The country where the excerpt takes place.

What is Afghanistan? 

The image given in our heads at the beginning of excerpt when Farah and her mother are at the gate.

What is chaos? 

Make an inference about the hike. Ghulum Ali suggests that they rest the day before they leave.

What is that the climb will be difficult?


The word Mr. Jewett uses when he asks his students to make an inference.

What is an edumatced-guess... or a logical guess. 

At first I didn't know what it was, but then I learned and it really helps that person walk after their unfortunate accident! 

What is a prosthetic? 


Farah is having to deal with a specific challenge that demonstrates her character and endurance.  

What is having a prosthetic? 


This was the reason that Farah and her mother wanted to cross the border so badly.

What is they would be stuck in the desert at night?
Make an inference about the guards when Farah saw them exchanging money for freedom.

What is they are corrupt?


The first step in order to make an inference.

What is reading closely and critically at all the details? 

All the teachers at Fesler really care about their students well being and how they are doing! 

What is compassionate? 


The act learned in paragraph 5 where guards were taking money for letting people through the gate.

What is bribery?


The cause of Farah to lose her leg.

What was stepping on a landmine? 

Make an inference about Ghulam Ali. He is aware of a secret path that is unguarded.

What is he is knowledgeable and brave?


The types of information a reader can refer to when making inferences.

What are character, plot, dialogue, setting, etc... 


The rocky path was very difficult to walk on. I wasn't expecting it to be this tough.

What is rigor? 


The couple that Farah and her mother met with that offered to help them across the border.

Who are Ghulam Ali and his wife?


The best central idea that Farah learns at the end of the excerpt.

What is never giving up on humanity, because there are always kind people in the world? 


This is one central idea that you can make about the excerpt and from Farah's experiences.

What is the need to survive and compassion in humanity? 

In paragraph 1, Farah explains a dangerous situation while using these descriptions of the scene.  

What is people were pushing and shoving and jostling? What is roar and clamor at the gate?


This practice is often done before praying. Usually practiced with water. 

What is ablutions? 


Farah did not feel hardship during the hike for two specific reasons. 

What was her mother's asthma and her desperation? 

Farah thought of Ghulum Ali was compassionate for what reason?

What is for he helped Farah and her mother even though they were strangers? 


Paragraph 1 explains a very graphic scene that explains the Afghan people.

What is they are desperate to leave their country? 


"Tomorrow, do not throw yourself against those border guards again. Let your only work be the gathering of your strength. Then tomorrow night we will all go over the mountain together, with God’s grace. I will show you the way. If God wills it, we will follow that smugglers’ path to safety. You and your mother are in my care now.”

Who was Ghulam Ali?