Standard Precautions
A method by which the organism enters a new host?
Portal of entry
Mucous membranes, skin and GI system are what types of defense?
Primary defenses
How long should you perform handwashing?
20 seconds
This is the 5th objective vital sign?
type of PPE used for CDIFF and includes a gown and gloves
Contact precautions
A method by which the organism leaves the reservoir?
Portal of Exit
This is the third line of defense
Tertiary defense
Anytime your hands are visibly dirty, before and after patient care after touching contaminated items and upon entering a patient room.
List 3 symptoms of fever.
Flushed skin, dry hot skin, dry mucous membranes, elevated pulse and rapid respirations, increased irritability, thirst, headache, lethargy, diaphoresis.
A causative organism?
Infectious agent
What is the safety zone once your sterile gloves are applied?
Below eye level, above the waist and in front of you
The apical pulse is located where?
left midclavicular line 5th intercostal space
What type of illness requires droplet precautions
Vehicle by which the organism is transferred?
Mode of Transmission
This type of defense occurs at the cellular level in reaction to toxins secreted by invading pathogens?
How do you open the first flap on a sterile package?
Flap that fold away from you
The measurement of the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries during contraction of the heart ventricles.
Systolic blood pressure
How do you remove PPE
Gloves, Eyewear, Gown, Mask
The person whose body the organism has entered?
Susceptible host
The most common path of microorganism transmission is?
Direct Contact
How do you pick up your 2nd sterile glove?
slip your sterile gloved fingers under the cuff
What is the normal range for core temperature?
97.0 degree Fahrenheit to 99.6 degree Fahrenheit