Amazing animals
Travel and adventure
The power of music
Into space

This animal has eight legs and lives in the ocean.

What is an octopus?


This man traveled from Alaska to Argentina on his bicycle.

Who is Gregg Bleakney?


This activity pairs music and exercise. It lets people make music while they work out.

What is Jymmin?


This planet is the hottest planet in the solar system. 

What is Venus?

An octopus uses this skill to hide from predators or catch its food.

What is camouflage?


On the Pentecost Island in Vanautu you can do this extreme activity. It involves jumping from a high tower with vines wrapped around your ankles.

What is land diving?


This scientist thinks that singing and speaking are connected. He helped people communicate by singing in a Harvard study.

Who is Gottfried Schlaug?


Some scientists believe these large satellites are where we will find alien life. They can be bigger than Jupiter or smaller than Earth.

What are exoplanets.


Some scientists say dolphins are alike to humans in three important ways. 

What is communication, play and teamwork?


This place is a great area for surfing. You can find waves around 10 meters high. Some people call it the Silver Dragon.

What is the Qiantang River?


This study showed that listening to classical music can help people focus and think better. 

What is the Mozart effect?


This famous satellite was sent into space in 2009. It has discovered 2,600 planets outside our solar system. 

What is the Kepler Space Telescope?


Name three animals that use camouflage.

Answers will vary.


Where would you like to travel and why?

Answers will vary.


This verb is used to talk about when you listen or watch some closely. It's the opposite of distracted.

What is pay attention?


8 P i t S S

What is 8 Planets in the Solar System